Michigan Shocker! Ron Paul picks up more delegates

Doug Wead  There is good news and bad news.  The good news comes out of Michigan.  But first, the bad news, let’s get that out of the way and then have some fun.

Remember my warning that there were votes in a locked box taken from the state convention in Arizona?  And that the Ron Paul victory there could be reversed if someone wanted to cheat?  Well they did, and we lost it.  I am gathering the facts and it is stunning, with 100 new ballots appearing out of the Romney ether.

Worse, there is evidence that the Ron Paul victory in Louisiana, a victory that even the media acknowledged and proclaimed to the world, may be reversed as well.  I will give you the details Monday.

Meanwhile, there is evidence of a full scale purge of any Ron Paul delegate, from any state, to the RNC.  If you are a delegate, keep your head down.  They are looking for you.  More on all of that this Monday.

Meanwhile, I like to mix my bad news with a touch of positive, and when you are riding the wave of a popular counter revolution, there are so many committed believers in so many places, doing so many wonderful things, that there is always good news to report.  And the good news is this: Adam de Angeli and the Ron Paul team in Michigan, against all odds, have secured some delegates there.  It is one of Romney’s three proclaimed “home states.”  (Remember, we also picked up some in Massachusetts.)

Here is Adam de Angeli’s report:

As you may have heard, Ron Paul won delegates from Michigan last night.


-We won both delegates, alternates, and one “in-waiting” delegate in the first district.  Due to the RNC penalty for having an early primary, each district elected an “in-waiting” delegate and alternate in case the RNC reverses its penalty on Michigan for its early primary.

-We won both delegates and the “in-waiting” delegate in the 2nd district.

-We won both delegates and an alternate in the 9th district.

-We won one delegate and one alternate in the 4th district.

-We won an alternate and one in-waiting alternate in the 12th district.

-We won in-waiting alternates in the 3rd, 8th, and 13th districts.

-We won all the alternates (including the in-waiting alternate) in the 5th district.

-In the sixth district our slate was defeated, the party officials admitted to running an illegal caucus where rules were broken, but on the establishment’s slate we had a Ron Paul supporter (still waiting verification whether delegate or alternate.)

-We won in-waiting alternates in the 3rd and 13th districts.

But here is the most amazing thing.  DO NOT MISS THIS:

Michigan, unlike any other states I know of, had a special party rule forbidding any precinct delegate vacancies from being filled at county conventions until after the state delegates and alternates were chosen.

In other words, countless  Ron Paul supporters attending county convention were forcibly blocked from  being able to vote or make motions, because they weren’t elected precinct delegates in 2010–long before the Ron Paul 2012 campaign began.

We faced a disadvantage no other state faced.  All the state delegates were elected NOT by Ron Paul supporters flooding into county conventions, but by Republican Party regulars.

And STILL we won 3 of 14 districts, plus a delegate in the 4th.

There’s also a fairly huge body of evidence of party tricks to disenfranchise us, including documented instances in multiple counties where county party officials “edited” the state delegation lists after the county conventions adjourned.  Egregious violations of rules (and possibly statute).

The point is: if Ron Paul can win 3 of 14 districts in Michigan:  Michigan, Romney’s home state; Michigan, where rules literally shut us out from having a voice at county conventions, then he can win delegates anywhere else.

The rules were rigged against us in Michigan.  But still we won national delegates.

If we could win anything here, we can win everything everywhere else.

Update:  This from Adam just mintues ago:

The e-mail I sent last night was accurate about the delegate counts, but the most important point that must be made is that Michigan has a party rule unique to us that prevented us from having a majority of state delegates.

Rule 5b, passed in 1988 in response to Pat Robertson’s campaign running a similar convention strategy as ours, states that “no precinct delegate vacancies may be filled in county conventions until all the state delegates have been chosen.”

What this means is that the state delegates were all elected by the precinct delegates elected in 2010–nearly a full year before Ron Paul announced his candidacy.  There was no way for Ron Paul supporters to take over their county conventions by filling precinct delegate vacancies.

Not to mention, in many counties the party used shenanigans to deny our delegates.  In Genesee County, for example, 42 precinct delegates and 100 Ron Paul supporters attended county convention to elect 66 delegates and 66 alternates–but rather than let the Ron Paul supporters in convention have the available seats, they filled them with their friends and family who weren’t even at the convention.  In other counties, state delegate lists were modified after the county convention was adjourned–a major violation of party rules.

So the state delegates, by and large, were NOT Ron Paul supporters.  They were ordinary Republicans.

And still, we won numerous national delegates.  In Romney’s home state.

The critical message, then, is that if Ron Paul could win this many national delegates in Michigan, with its unique party rule that kept us out of the convention, then he can win national delegates everywhere.

This report from Matt Collins:

We just elected 11 more delegates from MNGOP Convention to RNC who are Ron Paul supporters. That gives us 32 out of 37 delegates from Minnesota who are Ron Paul supporters!Or you could say that Ron Paul won Minnesota at 86%!!!!

11 thoughts on “Michigan Shocker! Ron Paul picks up more delegates

  1. If you thought the election fraud during the caucuses was incredible, just wait until the ultimate fraud is committed! Whether it is Mitt Romney getting the nomination before the convention or during the first round of voting, I am telling you that it is going to happen. Once the door is closed for Ron Paul being elected President, all bets are off and any chance at a peaceful revolution will be history.

  2. Being a concerned Brit who believes all 1st world countries should have “free and fair elections”.

    Couldn’t Dr. Paul say stuff the money grubbers and be elected as a Libertarian? Both sides hate him for his views but the people love his anti-Fascist message.

    The people of the Western World really need a leading doctor to lance these boils growing on the bottoms of our nations.

    1. The “West” needs to get a life and quit raping other peoples countries.
      It needs more than the boils removing from its behind. It needs a frontal lobotomy, removing Israel from its mind.

  3. Okay, so we know that the RNC has been cheating and has stepped up this crap even more recently. Romney is outright engaged in criminal and treasonous behavior. So, what are we going to do about it?

    We can’t just sit her ranting about their underhanded behavior and complaining about their crimes while taking solace in small wins here and there. What makes us think things will be better in Tampa, even if we get a lot more delegates?

    No, the only way forward is to take them to court. Now that we are not spending our funds campaigning in the primaries, we should be using those funds to hire lawyers and nailing every one of these SOBs. It is the only patriotic thing to do.

    We will donate our hard-earned cash to the campaign, but the campaign has to lead the legal charge. How about it Doug?

    1. Wow!,

      Another scum bag who has never been confronted with fraudulent past deeds. Why hasn’t Sean Hannity’ or his girlfriend Rush Limbaugh jumped on this?

  4. I doubt seriously Ron Paul will run third party. Romney has no chance of winning the white house and is basically the same Token as Kerry.

    I agree that hard ball in court is the way to go. We have them dead to rights committing fraud, breaking the rules and generally being naughty. We also have Romney getting himself in legal trouble in other ways if the Paul people would only ACT.

    I also agree that people like Jesse Benton and Doug Weed may not realize what kind of Tiger they are riding. The politicking that got us here in the first damh place is wearing awfully thin with the populace. The pot is at a good simmer right now but it could easily boil over…as Sunfire says…

    Things are about to get interesting: that much is certain.

  5. They have not blown Chicago up (not yet anyway). The nuke they smuggled into the UK as a back up false flag at the Olympics. Was supposed to be dialed down to 10kton (reduced explosion),
    but the box heads (Germans) had left it at 500kton. That would have destroyed the city (financial heart of the city) Rothschild sent it back.
    If they don’t have a false flag and soon. Obomination will be unable to declare martial law. They run the risk of losing the elections to Ron Paul.
    This is not going well for the scum at the top. They must be desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. The more the 99% become awake and aware the worse the situation becomes, for the blood suckers.
    So they will start to break down as panic sets in. Expect the situation to become increasingly surrealistic. As the pressure in the boiler that these people have created for us, but in which they now find themselves. Builds to bursting point. The infighting will be a joy to behold. So heads high and spirits up. The tide has turned. Ron Paul will become president. Obama will be the last British president of the US people (Kenyan born in 1961 makes him a British citizen by law)

    1. Ya, Israel, the friend who only takes.

      I love the nuke story. I actually asked a Russian friend to ram it deep under London (during the Olympics) before it blows up to make a lake at the Thames surrounded by hills formed from the mud. In 50 years it will be a beauty spot.

      The truth about Obama as a Kenyan is sadly off base but close! He was born in Hawaii but his real dad was a well known commie activist like his (I screw only commie and muslim blacks), self hating mother.
      He’s the image of his real dad!!

      I do believe if Dr. Paul comes to power, they will give him a sharp ending. Usual tricks are death by guns or aeroplane.

      Finally the last resort of those who herd the masses who are realising they should not swallow the red pill will be the dissolution of any vote.

  6. Ok, everybody – IF you did NOTHING to support Ron Paul, in his Campaign for President, in 2012 – YOU MAY EFFECTIVELY THANK YOURSELVES FOR ANOTHER 4 YEARS!, OF THE INCREASINGLY CORRUPT STATUS QUO, AND ATTENDANT LOSS OF LIBERTY – NOT TO MENTION – FOUR MORE YEARS OF OBAMNEY! I’ve already donated $200.00 – $100.00 on President’s Day – Feb. 20th, and $100.00, on Tax Day – April 15th – so, if you’ve done more than that, by volunteering, or donating FIAT CURRENCY – THANK YOU! IF you haven’t – RE-READ THE ABOVE. I will be making another donation on May 17th – May20th, an early donation, that otherwise would have been made on JULY 4th, 2012. I will likely make another donation on JULY 4th, 2012, anyway).

    Ron Paul May 17th – May 20th MONEY BOMB! (Click below to contribute)

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