Microscopic Analysis of US Artificial Snow

Published on Feb 4, 2014 by revmichellehopkins

UPDATE… EVERY MICROSCOPIC IMAGE IN THIS VIDEO WAS TAKEN BY ME. EVERY IMAGE IS OF THE CONTENTS IN THIS ARTIFICIAL SNOW, GLEANED FROM FROZEN SAMPLES. My government scientist sources have confirmed, even before I proved it with these ghastly images, that this “SNOW” is ARTIFICIAL.

See what is in this Pseudo Snow falling on us!!!
Artificial snow??? REALLY???


Special thanks to my sweet Bobby Mann for taking the amazing image in this video of the sky and its contents.

VIEWER COMMENT: Alexandra Hunter
“… Rev I have 3 sample results from a nano equipped lab. These results evidence the real chemical compounds. Getting access to a nano equipped is very difficult…and those 3 samples contain the polymers, nano tube, heavy metals, carcinogens and pathogens … Keep spreading the word-TY and God Bless.”

EVERYONE WATCH ‘Lifetime_Archives’ VIDEO!!!!

Thank you, Lifetime_Archives, for proving to us this ‘SUBLIMATION’ trying to explain away what has been confirmed, evidenced and seen with microscopes in labs and in the general public…is a desperate attempt at damage control…in short…a cover story!!!


From the Desk of revmichellehopkins

He is My Defense
by Marty Goetz

Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE…
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Mystery Goo Rain – Exposed – CHEMTRAIL with ANAEROBIC BACTERIA [DISEASE CAUSING BACTERIA] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV3Hci…



Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia – Pseudomonas syringae

Catalysts for Destruction of Air Pollutants

Chemical Technology Division and Chemical & Analytical Sciences Divisions of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Advances in Depleted Uranium Technology

Florida airport evacuated after depleted uranium discovered

Military surplus and other government stocks
Almost half of the uranium used in US nuclear power plants currently comes from Russian weapons-grade military uranium, downblended in Russia.

9 thoughts on “Microscopic Analysis of US Artificial Snow

  1. I was surprised to learn that Stan Deyo reported the reason the snow was so dry was there was only a small amount of liquid in it but claimed it was normal as reported by Joyce Reilly on the power hour. She was reading a report of what he had said when questioned. I now think he is not what people think of him but the blue pill side. I have to say I was surprised at this, since Stan has been so informational on so many important things.

    I guess Morgellons is not doing the job fast enough. I have been following this disease for three years now and these fibers are identical to the ones coming out people’s skin. Desicated red blood cells are also found microscopically in patients with Morgellons, Check it out http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2012/12/26/3598/

    It is a nightmare for these people.

    1. Susan
      I too am surprised at what you say about Stan Deyo. Joyce Riley seems to be right on. of course you can’t know for certain about anyone anymore. As you say the filaments look just like what are in chemtrails, as do the blood cells. What I found very interested is the addition of the presents of DU, which was used in both Iraq wars, and beyond. the description of dessicated blood cells and how they can be used was eye opening to me as well. it is logical that chemtrails would effect snow. Jeff Carnicom has been on top of chemtrails for quite some time now. It seems as you look at this from a scriptural stand point that it is lining up quite well to the negative side for humanity. Micheal Hopkins has interested me for some time as well. GOOD POST!!!

      1. I have followed him for he has presented a lot of evidence from microscopic pictures of these invaders. There is a woman too that has done much too but she is very infected and goes down on her sight often. I tried to get her for the power hour but she was in one of the down times. As I said I have been watching this for years. I started when a young husband died in Lake Mary from it.

        That got my attention I live in Lake Mary and it is a very very small town.

          1. There are none to take, think about it.

            We have a small veggie garden its in the soil, its in the air and its in the water. Everywhere.

            Someone should look into the fact that two highest states are California and FL. What do they have in common or why are those two states involved when Chemtrails are sprayed world wide. Are they using different matter and chemicals in different areas?

            Is it living matter? We do not know, there are living components in this like red blood cells and bacteria.

            There has been extensive study on this and all that these people and doctors have been able to do is comfort measures only like Oatmeal baths. There is no cure. The CDC claims it is psychological and refuse to bow to our demands for study. They lie of course. Denial rules.

          2. yes your right. kinda makes me back off a little about moving down there. Have you tried the red wine mouth wash that Carnicom talks about? There are other so called remedies on you tube too, but not sure whether to believe them or not. i have several things on hand for radiation defense, but nothing that im aware of for morgellons.

          3. There is not one place on this earth that could be called safe if those in control want us dead. The question is what will get us first? Weather wars, economy, food shortages etc. I just enjoy each day, my health is pretty good and I take
            boo coo spices and supplements a day. They have done much to my general well being. These are a must: Vit D3 and Magnesium for you immune system and Chlorella which removes a lot out of your body. Look it up.
            If you email me grinnbarrett@cfl.rr.com I can help you with more of what I take and what it does.

  2. I guess we shall have to wait to see the side effects of this DU-polymer fallout. If this new life form has to be activated then we should also be able to deactivate everything but the depleted uranium…. testing required which may determine if frequency waves, electrically emitted charges, or homeopathic remedies will work. This appears to be an upgraded version of Morgellons Disease (but I didn’t hear this mentioned).

    I could easily take the interjected religious ramifications of this article in several directions. Deduced inquiry: If people die from this fallout, will it be because they were unfaithful to God’s Will? This Divine scenario is reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials, where they strapped the alleged witch in a chair and dunked her in a deep stream or well — if the woman drowns, she was innocent; if the she survives, she is a witch and would then be burned at the stake.

    However, this tribulation won’t discriminate; it can be a woman, man, child, or even a family pet. Fish and water fowl will most likely be the first victims… unless this contagion is programmed to only affect specific types of DNA (domestic terrorists and worthless eaters).

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