3 thoughts on “Migrants are being hidden in secret rooms guarded by the military at Atlanta Airport What is going on here?

    1. No, you are not censored here too, but you do go through moderation until I know what your agenda is. You obviously do not understand what this site is about. We are individual free sovern nationals, here to teach and enforce the supreme superior ratified by we the people law of December 15th, 1791 (The Bill of Rights) and we quit looking at the pigment of one another’s skin a long fucking time ago. Take a look at your enemy. It is the international corporate mafia and they are of all pigments of skin, and they are as one in their attempt to destroy our country, our liberty and our freedom. We will not allow ourselves to be divided in any way. Fuck the KKK. Fuck BLM, and anyone else seeking to divide our people. We will enforce that Bill of Rights, and we will kill the enemy that has declared war on it, but we will never be divided, as my rights are your rights, and are our rights. As for the word “nigger” you need to understand niggers come in all colors, as do American Nationals. I tossed your other two comments, as they were intent on division and aid to the enemy. We will prevail in the end, as we are prepared to put every motherfucker who has declared war on our Bill of Rights in the fucking ground. You need to figure out who you are and what your authority and duty is. If you comment here again, your first words had better be an apology. Otherwise we do not want you or need you here. Maybe you should read the site a little bit and think it over. Your call.

  1. They are doing the same thing here at O’Hare airport. They have the invaders down in baggage claim, hidden behind opaque black curtains. They are also housing the illegal invaders in the Chicago police stations.

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