MILLIONS of YEMENIS march today chanting “We don’t care, we don’t care, we don’t care, make it a major global war!” after the US & UK BOMBED their homeland last night.

2 thoughts on “MILLIONS of YEMENIS march today chanting “We don’t care, we don’t care, we don’t care, make it a major global war!” after the US & UK BOMBED their homeland last night.

  1. I don’t think I ever saw as much power in the words, “WE DON’T CARE!!” as I do here. Maybe that is a place of arrival. Everything stolen, destroyed. What could there possibly be left to care about but facing the thieving killers? What?


  2. I probably know less about weaponry than most. So few report about it and its contamination. My friend sent me this comment:

    “I would just note that the bomb the US dropped on Yemen yesterday was the biggest DU bunker buster they have and sent a fireball and mushroom cloud up like a mini-nuke. For some reason the US has always tested its largest DU bombs on Yemen and there are videos of these bombs from a decade ago that a lot of observers believed were mini-nukes or neutron bombs. Recently Busby talked about finding enriched uranium in the Gaza debris. Well yes because the DU they use is from fuel rod reprocessing. They say it’s all clean though. Sure.”


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