Missouri AG sues Biden, Harris for documents on ‘flying illegal aliens from the border’ into the state

By Hannah Nightingale – The Postmillennial

Missouri AG sues Biden, Harris for documents on 'flying illegal aliens from the border' into the state

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced on Monday that he is filing a lawsuit against the Biden administration for documents related to the flying of illegal immigrants into the state.

“I am filing suit against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for REFUSING to turn over documents about the flying of illegal immigrants into Missouri,” Bailey wrote. “We have reason to believe they are deliberately flying illegal aliens from the border into our cities. Not on my watch.”

In May, Rep Mark Alford led a group of GOP Missouri lawmakers in the US House in sending a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, demanding answers on the flying of illegal immigrants into the US.

The lawmakers raised concerns over the Biden administration’s Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV) parole program, stating that since the program was launched in January 2023, over 400,000 illegal immigrants have been flown into the US.

The letter noted that two people were flown into Missouri in 2023, adding “we have grave concerns about bringing unvetted, and otherwise inadmissible illegal aliens into the United States.” The lawmakers demanded to know what procedures are in place to track illegal immigrants brought in through the program, and how many other people, if any, were flown into Missouri.

Bailey previously criticized Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas for claiming that illegal immigrants would be welcome to come and work in the city under Mayorkas’ parole program. Bailey told Fox News, “An illegal alien from Venezula, who had repeatedly flouted U.S. immigration laws, was actually granted a work permit under a misguided and illegal policy enacted by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In February, he brutally murdered a young college student named Laken Hope Riley.”

“Yet, against the backdrop of literally millions of illegal aliens flooding our borders, overwhelming the social safety net of large American cities, and in some cases even committing violent crimes against our citizens, you are actively encouraging them to come to the Show Me State,” Bailey said.

Lucas wrote, “All are welcome in Kansas City. Proud to work with my fellow mayors from Denver and NYC as we work to ensure decompression of new arriving communities,” though later amended the statement to say the offer was only for “persons who are lawfully present, with lawful work permits.”

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