Murrieta Residents Preparing for Riot Squads, Ready to ‘Be Detained’

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–A busload of illegal immigrants is expected to show up in Murrieta, California in spite of a furious group of residents who claim their town is no place for the migrants. On Sunday Breitbart Texas broke the news that federal agents accompanying the bus will have riot gear and shields, in order to push back the crowd. Despite this, the protesters have no intentions of backing down–rather, the group is preparing for a showdown that one resident told Breitbart Texas “might get ugly.”

Sources on the ground in Murrieta told Breitbart Texas that many protesters have already gathered in the town this morning in anticipation of the busload. Law enforcement is there, too.  

“There are at least 60 officers here,” John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, told Breitbart Texas. “Most of them are local law enforcement like the Murrieta Police and other from the Riverside Country Sheriff’s Office. But I have seen at least 10 or 15 federal agents here as well.”

He added, “There was also a fire truck pulling a 20 foot trailer as well. I would assume it is for medical purposes.”

Henry said that, according to “rumors,” planes carrying illegal immigrants are expected to land at 11 a.m. PST. He mentioned that it takes about an hour to drive from the airport to the protest grounds in Murrieta.

In anticipation of riot gear being used against them, the protesters are ready to “be detained or arrested,” according to a widely-circulated flier obtained by Breitbart Texas. The flier told protesters to be prepared with: “several pairs of vinyl gloves [which] protect against blood and pepper spray”; “heavy clothing to deflect rubber bullets”;  and a “legal aid number written in permanent marker on both arms.”

It also cautioned the crowd to “bring a small first aid kit but leave anything that can be viewed as a weapon (scissors, blades, etc.).”

Henry said that local police officers warned citizens “that federal Marshals or ICE will be here in the next few days and that they are bringing riot gear. They’re apparently going to be blocking off the street with concrete blockades so that no vehicles can get through. The River County Sheriff’s Department showed up last night and brought a huge watch tower that shoots up into the air 35 feet.”

Jeremy Oliver, a resident of Temecula, California–a town that neighbors Murrieta–added, “The feds are pissed that they haven’t been able to use this facility. Officers out there warned people that federal agents will be in Murrieta on Monday–they are going to get the next bus through no matter what. Riot gear and shields will be used to push the crowd back.”

Regardless of what occurs on the ground today, most of the protesters claim they will stand their ground.

The administration thinks that if it floods our streets, in small town america, they can force immigration reform,” Henry said. “These immigrants should not be here. The only reason that they are coming here is for political reasons.”


7 thoughts on “Murrieta Residents Preparing for Riot Squads, Ready to ‘Be Detained’

  1. Murrieta,California is basically Riverside, California. There are a lot of taco eaters there yes, but still a healthy amount of American Nationals as well. One thing is for sure, all hell is probably going to break loose. This is where the rubber will meet the road. This area could be considered ground zero.

    The scum bags in Washington picked this area for exactly this reason.

  2. Lemme see if I’ve got this straight: the feds are gearing up for a throwdown with US citizens because they are resisting the dumping of illegal immigrants in their home town? Sounds just insane enough to be true.

    Why don’t they drop these “poor, helpless children who just want a better life” in Bernal Heights, San Francisco? Those liberal yuppies will cry bloody murder. Or, drop them off in the Hamptons. I’m sure they’ll meet a loving reception there. Not. Or, in Conneticut — anywhere. Harry Greed’s back yard?

    Hypocritical bastards. They’ve pushed the envelope too far this time.

  3. aw f-it. just bring water sunglasses and guns. If the cops are breaking a law they are no longer in the capacity as law enforcement which means no jurisdiction and no protection under law. pop a few of these fags in the knee caps and watch their buddies leave them in the dust as they scurry like rats. That will shatter the moral withing the police dept and cause infighting.

    divide and conquer. its their tactic so take it to them.

  4. Don’t forget to bring a few Central American flags to burn and signs to remind the bankster mercenaries they are TRAITORS (assuming the are Americans, not the usual rent-a-UN-swat-team, in which case you know what to do with invaders…)

    Remember, “Go ahead, make my day.”

    Sending prayers.

    1. “Don’t forget to bring a few Central American flags to burn”

      Good idea, if you can find some. Piss them off the same way they piss us off.

      But remember, the focus should be to stop the illegals from coming through on the buses and not the pro-immigrant protesters. Keep your eye on the ball.

  5. “It also cautioned the crowd to “bring a small first aid kit but leave anything that can be viewed as a weapon (scissors, blades, etc.).”

    WTH is THAT??? Sounds like a suicide flyer to me.

    Is that all the cops and feds will be bringing?

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