Muslim Arrested in #Ferguson Threatened to Behead Critics Like “Bitch” Daniel Pearl

SwordSo I guess the new Communist trend word in the mainstream media for the week is “BEHEADING”. Quick! Look for any excuse to claim someone is going to behead another so we can sell the ISIS propaganda.

Got News – by Charles C. Johnson

Agitator Umar Lee was arrested Thursday night during the Ferguson protests.

Lee, who is a Muslim radical, wrote the following to a critic in 2010: “i could cut your neck with the sword of islam, and watch you squeal like a bitch like daniel pearl.”  

Lee, who is also a supporter of Bashar Assad, is raising money to go to Syria.

But Thursday night Lee was arrested in front of the Ferguson police station so his Syria trip may have to wait.

Lee tweeted from the police van where he sat after his arrest.

Despite — or perhaps because of — Lee’s radical views, Alderman Antonio French tweeted out his support. (UPDATED: GotNews previously labeled Antonio French as “state senator”)

Umar Lee & Ellison

Rep Ellison and Umar Lee


2 thoughts on “Muslim Arrested in #Ferguson Threatened to Behead Critics Like “Bitch” Daniel Pearl

  1. Geeif you do this in Oklahoma you just might get paid 100 thousand dollars! 😉

    Headless dog and pony show! We don’t need no stinkin’ Horseman!

  2. How do you “tweet” when you are handcuffed and they took your cellphone? Hmmm?
    This really ties “Muslim”, “beheading” and “Ferguson” together nicely. Complete with a sword picture and Muslim looking bearded guy leering at the camera. Very good composition and lighting in that photo, don’t you think?
    The sheeple will soon associate these words in their deep subconscience.
    Kind of like “9/11”, “bin Laden”, “al Queda” and “WMD” were successfully associated with “Iraq”.
    Hypnotized people are very suggestible. The people behind this are very sophisticated…and evil.
    We all need to help people wake up.

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