National Shooting Sports Foundation Calls for ATF Investigation Of ‘Under the Gun’


NEWTOWN, Conn – -(  Editors Note: [The National Shooting Sports Foundation has issued the following statement regarding the recent admission by “Under The Gun” producer Stephanie Soechtig that she appears to have violated multiple Federal Gun Laws.]

Journalists and filmmakers investigating what they see as shortcomings in laws are not absolved of their responsibility both to gain the requisite understanding of how those laws work and to abide by them.  

For that reason, based on statements made in a videotaped interview.

We have to point out that it would appear that a producer of the Katie Couric documentary “Under the Gun” committed at least four federal felonies, one for each firearm he appears to have illegally purchased since the individual was not a resident of Arizona where he purchased the firearms.

He may have also violated state criminal statutes. And, If Ms. Soechtig, the film’s director, sent him to Arizona to make these firearms purchases, as the tape appears to suggest, she may be guilty of engaging in a conspiracy to violate federal firearms laws and/or aiding and abetting the commission of these crimes her producer engaged in.

We also have to ask what, if any, involvement did Ms. Couric as executive producer have in these purchases?

The NSSF calls upon the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to open a criminal investigation into this important matter.

About NSSF  The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 6,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to

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3 thoughts on “National Shooting Sports Foundation Calls for ATF Investigation Of ‘Under the Gun’


  2. “… committed at least four federal felonies, one for each firearm…”
    “… she may be guilty of engaging in a conspiracy to violate federal firearms laws and/or aiding and abetting the commission of these crimes her producer engaged in.”

    Every single ‘gun law’ ever passed is in DIRECT VIOLATION of the 2nd amendment.

    Compliance is suicide.

  3. Yeah good and while this awesome group representing all of the forementioned entities is at it, perhaps they may wish to also publically call for an open investigation into the Sandy Hook charade, the fake Virginia news crew shooting and several other staged events where firearms are the target…ill hold my breath, cause they like the NRA are all part of the same club…! End of story….

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