What you need to know about TERRAFORMING EARTH and the NEW WORLD AGENDA

Published on Mar 19, 2017

Here I discuss the growing problem of nuclear radiation, chemical pollutants, and the over terraforming of Earth. Is this being done deliberately to bring in a new race of being or alien presence. They are rendering our planet nearly uninhabitable…why? for who?

One thought on “What you need to know about TERRAFORMING EARTH and the NEW WORLD AGENDA

  1. So I made it 2:29 into this. I will not be watching the rest. Why?
    Because in the intro a statement was made: Reality is Subjective.
    Reality is NOT Subjective; Reality by its nature MUST be Objective. What is subjective is our PERCEPTION OF reality. I do not wish to waste another 10 minutes listening to the ideas of one who is unable to perceive the very basic concept that we are subject to a reality that is both de jure AND de facto. What is, IS. To pretend that it is otherwise is foolishness. Even those things that we object to; things about reality that we would change, are STILL reality. That we can change certain things about reality because they are changeable does NOT make reality subjective. It merely means there is a certain amount of reality that is alterable. Some is not, like un-breaking a smashed bottle.

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