NEW: Israel askes the US for $10 BILLION in emergency military aid..
According to The New York Times, Israel has submitted a request for $10 billion in immediate military assistance from the United States.
This aid package is being collaboratively assembled by Congress and the…
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) October 17, 2023
Posted: October 17, 2023
Categories: News
The US Congress give jew $10 BILLION a year and the people on Maui get NOTHING
Between Ukraine and Israel, the U.S. is becoming (more) like a supermarket or clearing house. Only they don’t pay anything (back).
Aid – another bankers word for – owe
Package DENIED!
Oh wait. We the People don’t get a say in the matter.
Joe and Bibi, how sweet: Thumb on knuckle Masonic handshake