NEW: Stunning interview w former @CDCgov director, virologist Robert Redfield: COVID vaccines “Do not prevent infection & didn’t impact kinetics of pandemic…They don’t work that well, they’re not durable. What does work better is antiviral drug development [EARLY TX!!!] & we haven’t invested heavily there… Annual flu vaccines only work 25-50% of the time. Vaccines…won’t protect us against bird flu.”

2 thoughts on “NEW: Stunning interview w former @CDCgov director, virologist Robert Redfield: COVID vaccines “Do not prevent infection & didn’t impact kinetics of pandemic…They don’t work that well, they’re not durable. What does work better is antiviral drug development [EARLY TX!!!] & we haven’t invested heavily there… Annual flu vaccines only work 25-50% of the time. Vaccines…won’t protect us against bird flu.”

  1. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Covid (you know the so-called virus that’s never been isolated) is coming to get you. And if IT doesn’t, Bird Flu will.

    Aside: That song, “Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide,” just ran through my head. Then I thought, “No need to hide, and there IS somewhere to run. Run towards the enemy and deliver your own medicine.



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