New video has emerged of NYPD cops brutally beating a man working at a homeless shelter. The cops didn’t have a warrant to enter the facility, and the workers’ boss told him not to let them in.

6 thoughts on “New video has emerged of NYPD cops brutally beating a man working at a homeless shelter. The cops didn’t have a warrant to enter the facility, and the workers’ boss told him not to let them in.

  1. No warrant, just an I-Card!! What the hell’s an I-Card?!! Talk about infringement!! Brutal and totally unlawful!! Why don’t they just call this “I-Card” The Bill of Rights Betrayal Card?!! GDMN FKRS!!!!!!!!!!


      1. Look how nicely & calmly she just declared war on every US American in that statement! She knows that freedom is just a word if you’re not prepared to back it up with action but they are more arrogantly pushing people’s backs closer & closer to that wall every day…

  2. maybe we need to make these places a hotel California for these types , you know once you enter you can never leave

  3. Get followed by the cops and they’ll beat you up outside of your home. Im supposed to feel secure at my home. Got hauled just three days ago and its a long story. Blood test dui hospital bruises from the needle and the cops. In the parking lot of the grocery three cop cars decended on me .. I told them I know my rights under The Bill of RIGHTS they honestly did Know FCK ABOUT THAT SH*T I will fight its getting harder to do as Im almost 62

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