New York: Blackface Wearing Zionist Extremist Dov Hikind Will Lead March to Put Blacks on Notice

National Justice – by Eric Striker

Former Jewish Defense League organizer Dov Hikind, who until recently was a Democratic assemblyman representing a heavily Orthodox Jewish part of Brooklyn, is calling on the public to march in a show of force against alleged black attacks on Jews. 

On Twitter, Hikind demanded blacks themselves attend the January 5th rally: “We’re calling on all to come out & stand with us . We ask our friends in the Black community to join us & send the message loud and clear that we are one & together we stand up and say NO to Anti -Semitism.”

Hikind has retired from politics and now runs a Zionist activist group called “Americans Against Anti-Semitism.” He is a lifelong super-racist known for mocking blacks with blackface. He has claimed to have broken with the ideology of Kahanism after organizing numerous violent JDL protests in the 1970s. This does not appear to be true.

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One thought on “New York: Blackface Wearing Zionist Extremist Dov Hikind Will Lead March to Put Blacks on Notice

  1. Right. When you cowards can’t even handle rock-throwing Palestinians….all this will do is make blacks even madder. Keep it up, Talmudists, and you’ll even have black evangelicals or maybe even black Christian Zionists (if there are any) to deal with… Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

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