New York City Debuts Muslim Sharia Patrol Squad Cars in Muslim Neighborhoods

Godfather of Politics – by Warner Todd Huston

New York City is pulling back the New York Police Department and allowing Muslims to drive around in “Muslim Community Patrol” (MCP) cars and to enforce shariah law in Muslim neighborhoods.

The new MCP cars have been seen in certain New York City neighborhoods in a frightening example of American laws being set aside for anti-American sharia rules to take over.  

The sight of these cars have millions worried about creeping sharia in America.

According to the New York Post, these Muslim Patrol officers even have official shirts with a pseudo badge on the breast.

“New York’s Muslim community has a new security group watching over it,” the Post says.

“A car from the new Muslim Community Patrol has been spotted around the city,” the paper adds.

The white Ford Taurus bears insignia nearly identical to those of an NYPD patrol car — with blue horizontal stripes down the sides, a shield on the front driver’s side door and the words “Muslim Community Patrol” descending on the rear door, where a department vehicle would say “Courtesy Professionalism Respect.”

The car also has words in Arabic on it, but there is no report on what those words say.

This is absolutely intolerable.

We should not be having sharia police waltzing around American cities enforcing anything at all resembling un-American sharia rule.

Godfather Politics

4 thoughts on “New York City Debuts Muslim Sharia Patrol Squad Cars in Muslim Neighborhoods

  1. We’ll deal with them the same way we deal with the noahide laws nationwide, too. I don’t care who/what you are, you trample our sh!# and you’re gonna pay. The only way they even got through in the first place is because of the usual suspects as a distraction from themselves.

  2. Isn’t it wonderful what immigration can do?
    Bring them in, train & test them in the American way of life, then release them

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