“New York city will be the first city in America to charge Americans just to go to work in the morning”

3 thoughts on ““New York city will be the first city in America to charge Americans just to go to work in the morning”

  1. Every time I see things like this, I think of the biliionaires who live there to whom this means nothing, just a drop in the bucket. Then I think of those who clean their houses, cook their meals, trim their yards, drive them from point A to point B, and I wonder how such a world can keep existing. If we’re not yet in full-blown uprising, it will be interesting to see in a year or so how this Big Apple taxation plays out. Looks like it has a worm in it.


    1. ps: Will the proceeds go to feeding and housing “migrants.” They’re probably one of the major reasons why this theft of the Americans’ money continues.


  2. Having lived in or having driven into NYC for work in vehicle (because even in the 70s subways were dangerous) this thought comes into my head: trucks have to pay over 20 dollars a day to enter these “zones” where a lot of markets and stores happen to be–so, does this mean truckers will no longer drive into these zones daily, meaning these stores will run out of goods to sell much quicker than what is happening now with supply chain issues…in other words, will more shops run out of goods like food quicker than they already are due to smash and grab thuggery…in other words, will this nonsense deliberately cause starvation and even more smash and grab thuggery? And when Hochul feels this consequence, let me know… And is she a sex partner with psychopath Jacinda Ardern, and is Hochul one of WEF “young global” psychopaths?

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