Ninth Graders Assigned to Make ISIS Propaganda for Homework

Breitbart – by Trent Baker

Per Fox News, parents in Utah complained after their ninth-grade children were assigned to create ISIS propaganda as a school project.

Fourteen-year-old Mikalia got the assignment and went online to search “how to recruit for ISIS.”

Her mother, Annie Langston, was not happy.  

“My initial response was, ‘There’s no way you’re going to do this assignment,’” she said. “In light of what happened in Paris, is that the reason for this assignment? I feel a different assignment or report could’ve been chosen or a discussion in class about the tragic events.”

The teacher later apologized and canceled the assignment, but some students, including Mikalia, had already completed the assignment. Her mother made her rip it up and throw it away.

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

4 thoughts on “Ninth Graders Assigned to Make ISIS Propaganda for Homework

  1. Tough times in DC, eh? Now they’re outsourcing their propaganda to high school kids. Who knows? Maybe more folks will buy the BS.

  2. It looks like the U. S. Corporation is going to soon enforce a State Religion.
    The question is, what form of the Muslim religion is it going to be?

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