No shield for YOU! Schumer as the media shield nazi.

Sipsey Street Irregulars

The bill’s protections would apply to a “covered journalist,” defined as an employee, independent contractor or agent of an entity that disseminates news or information. The individual would have to have been employed for one year within the last 20 or three months within the last five years.

3 thoughts on “No shield for YOU! Schumer as the media shield nazi.

  1. So, I was on my way to catch some z’s , when I came across this atrocity. I almost submitted this similar story Paraclete:

    It made me so angry. We saw this wretch try to shove this in not too long ago, but they are not satisfied in blowing the 1st article out of the water. These POS scumbag traitors are hitting the accelerator on every avenue.
    They are trying to ram the NWO down our throats at every corner.

    They will not prevail.

    Till tomorrow…. have a great night

    1. Hi Deb,

      I fully agree with you.

      Chuck Smuck, is the ideal poster boy for what an American-Facist looks like, sounds like,.. act like.

      There is ONLY one way to end this:

      We MUST stop funding them – Tax revolt.

      We MUST abolish this current communist Enemy-Force-In-Occupation.

      We MUST hold ALL of these traitors accountable with full, open public trials,.. and then executions,… death by hanging.

      Then,.. we MUST exterminate all the shawdow gov’t figures, including the International Banksters, the Rothchilds,.. and all other such persons that sought to injure this country.

      ONLY then,.. after we complete the above steps,… do we have a chance at living a normal life again.

      JD – US Marines – Why has Chuck Smuck or any of his ilk not been arrested, tired,.. and hung for sedition and treason yet???,.. How much more obvious can they possibly be with out simply stating themselves at a press conference?

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