4 thoughts on “Nora Longoria dashcam video released after charges were dropped in DWI case

  1. Paul, she was obviously still dancing from the club she just left. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. Those born with the silver spoon get the rules bent but you or I would be standing at the podium of the next AA meeting.

    1. Yep. They never arrest or convict their own. Pure proof, right here.

      The video was purposely never viewed by the prosecutor and of course the footage conveniently shows up right after the trial was over, in which there would be nothing they can do about it anymore.

      Same story, different day.

      If this was you or I, we would never see the light of day and the footage would have been viewed a thousand times by the prosecutor even before we had a chance to view it ourselves.

  2. Refuses to take a breathalizer test or a blood sample.

    WOW! Wish I could do that. Nowadays, if you refuse, they tase you, take you back to the police station, strap you to the chair and force it out of you. But nope, not a judge. Not one of their own.

    She says, “you are going to ruin my life”. Funny how that works for her, but not you or I. I guess our lives aren’t as important as hers. I guess we are just simple peasants. I see how it is.

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