Old Newspaper Says SIX MILLION JEWS Died in 1915-1938 Before Holocaust

Sent to us by Peter

Published on Oct 29, 2014

1940 New York Times Jews Pledge for a New World Order NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS; Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Sends Message of Assurance Here RIGHTING OF WRONGS SEEN English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S.S. Wise New Statement on Question After War


TheTrans22 https://youtu.be/GJnR3yJ88Xk https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTrans… http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/… 1940 New York Times Jews Pledge for a New World Order http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/… 10 newspapers from 1915-1938 before the Holocaust even happened. Here’s some more articles: Library of Congress http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/sea… New York Times http://query.nytimes.com/search/sites… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5AEW… OH P.S Look up the word Askenazi Ashke Nazi

8 thoughts on “Old Newspaper Says SIX MILLION JEWS Died in 1915-1938 Before Holocaust

  1. I believe we’ve been lied to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6,000,000 jews reported would be exterminated about 30 yrs. prior to Hitlers rise. Hmmmm. What a farce that has been perpetrated upon the world, especially in the uS.

  2. It all becomes questionable. It did happen but maybe highly exaggerated. One result is 272000 mostly by typhus. If it were’nt for the CIA staged events in Charlottesville last August I never ever would have stumbled upon the Fable of Ducks and Hens by George Lincoln Rockwell. Suggestive reading. Even the latest train derailment ( murder & cover up ) just happened to have a drill going on at the same time. We’ve now caught on. The Diaspora of the chosen ones seems to go on forever.

    1. What happened? Certainly not systematic genocide of joos using bug killer. There is no question about that. Gas chambers were the greatest lifesaving step for those vermin while the real “holocaust” was being perpetrated by the allies on the German people. Too bad zyklon B wasn’t afforded to the German people to save them from typhus.

  3. Most Americans have been deceived by Hollywood propaganda and false history books into believing the false story of WWII German death camps and the manufactured “facts” of the war.
    Just last week I was sitting at a whole table of folks who’ve been on the European WWII tours of Europe. They believe the lie that war cures failed economies, Hitler was evil, millions of jews were gassed. etc.
    I was there for a birthday party for a friend. These are good, well intentioned people. Discussing the truth and pointing out the inconsistencies of this manufactured history would not have been fruitful.(Plato’s Cave).

  4. The whole world hates the stinking Jews, always have. Especially the ones who dress the part, ear bobs and pedophile trench coats, with the faggity hats. The precursor to the transgender.

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