17 thoughts on “Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home

          1. You’re welcome, galen. I will do the same before the end of the day today. I notice in all of the dozens of the reaction videos I have seen, that the Bill of Rights needs to be brought up in the comments. I see some fertile ground there for sprinkling some seeds around.

  1. I spied on that “debate” a bit. Well, as much as I could stomach. Full-on circus and much was scripted, rehearsed, but not polished. One of the most superficial things I’ve ever seen. Up one notch and it would be pure parody – them doing parody of themselves. And they tried to look street-cool, like social justice warriors, but huggin’ “the right.” And talked out of both sides of the mouth. Reminded me of Trump 2015/16, promising this and that, all wrapped in patriotism. Some of those spewing the “freedom” talk were proponents of the “vaxx.” Sure, that’s freedom.

    Circus is too soft a word. How about HYPOCRITICAL HELLHOLE!! I hate the venues that are giving this validity and credibility. Status-quo has lost its status and is being tossed into the dust bin with anything else in the way of The Bill of Rights, you know, that SUPREME LAW that NEVER gets mentioned. One commenter put it this way: “If you let someone drive your car and he keeps wrecking it, are you yet again gonna hand him the keys?” Ha!! UN-REGISTER TO VOTE. Easy, takes 5 minutes at your county building. Let it be known you won’t be conned EVER AGAIN!!


      1. OMG. I kept going back and forth from cringing to laughing. This song really has legs. It just might lead us all the way back to our 10 Articles. I can’t find the link yet but I heard another parody of it on the Internet. Something about “The Rich Men From Jerusalem.” Grin.


        1. I loved the dogs at the end, and the cock-eyed aluminum ladder in the background. Yep! cringy and very funny both at the same time. This one really is a testament to the power of the 1st Article, at least, cringy and all. I hope you find that Jerusalem one and post it. Would love to watch.

  2. galen, I spent some time on the Oliver Anthony youtube reaction videos, selectively scattering some Bill of Rights revival seeds around, today. No one else has been doing that, so I feel like if I don’t do it, based on everything I have learned over the past almost 4 years of my time here, who will?

    1. Yeah, as they say, “The ball’s in our court.”

      It just feels good to be known as one of The Bill of Rights People. Can’t imagine who we might be sharing a nip with at an old tavern table back in 1775. 🙂


      1. Sharing a nip at an old tavern table back in 1775 after we blew the heads off of those idiots who tried to tell us what we could drink and what we couldn’t. Got that thought from Henry’s Friday broadcast. I’m still laughing, thinking about that one, even though blowing someone’s head off is really no laughing matter.

  3. I wish I had the wherewithal to make a classic quotes compilation clip from broadcasts through the years and post it for the reaction video community to hear. I bet that would really wake people up! 🙂

    1. Daydream number 7, 956:

      “Well hey, Joe. Thanks for having me on your show. I’m here to talk about The Bill of Rights. I think that’s what God put me on this earth for at this particular time. Do you know and understand The Bill of Rights, Joe? I know you have millions of listeners and this could help them see the way out from under tyranny. It could end so much of our suffering and many of our struggles. Let’s state with The First Article.”

      I can dream, can’t I?


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