O’Malley Apologizes For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Daily Caller – by Derek Hunter

Former Maryland Gov. and Democratic Party presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, along with fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, were shouted off stage at the Netroots Nation conference in Phoenix, Ariz., Saturday. O’Malley’s offense was saying, “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.”

O’Malley has now apologized for including “white lives matter, all lives matter” in his statement.  

The Black Lives Matter movement on the extreme progressive left does not tolerate inclusion of all lives, or any other lives when it comes to mattering.

Appearing on the Internet based “This Week In Blackness,” or TWiB Nation, host L. Joy Williams excoriated O’Malley for his insensitivity for including “white lives” and “all lives” in his statement. The former governor did not repeat the phrases, he referred to them as “those other two phrases.”

“I want to ask something specifically,” Williams said, “Towards the end, in your explanation, you said the phrase ‘all lives matter,’ you said the phrase ‘white lives matter.’ But I want to ask you, do you understand the difference in responding in that conversation, in that context, with ‘all lives matter’ or ‘white lives matter’ when we’re specifically talking about black death, that is not all inclusive.”

O’Malley responded, “I certainly do and, in fact, I believe what I first said was that ‘black lives matter’ before those other two phrases. And when I said those other two phrases I meant no disrespect to the point, which I understand, that black lives matter is making.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/07/18/omalley-apologizes-for-saying-all-lives-matter-video/#ixzz3gRbuqJiH

4 thoughts on “O’Malley Apologizes For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

  1. Pure nonsense. Please remember that they’re manufacturing racial tensions in BOTH directions, and this ‘apology’ is part of that show.

    It’s unfortunate that many fools will bite this hook, and there will be racial violence as a result of it, so you’re going to have to be careful, but try to convince people around you not to fall for these tricks, to remember our common enemy, and stick to our mission of restoring the Bill of Rights.

  2. If they are trying to start a race war, they do realize that there will be a side that loses more numbers, and it wont be the whites, and the whites that do perish will mostly be ones that vote for leftist.

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