Ontario Doctor Who Rightfully Rejected Covid Mandates Is Found Guilty of Spreading “Misinformation,” aka The Truth

By Dylan Eleven – Truth11.com

Ontario Doctor Who Rightfully Rejected Covid Mandates Is Found Guilty of Spreading “Misinformation,” aka The Truth

Brave doctors standing up against the covid lies and genocidal vaccines are being silenced by kangaroo courts, in a doomed attempt to hide their complicity in the genocidal plot.

The government of Canada cannot prove the existence of Covid-19, and the death count directly caused by the killer covid vaccines is growing; – yet to further the narrative, a tribunal of pathetic collaborators has voted in favour of lies and genocide by finding Dr Trozzi guilty of spreading “misinformation”, aka the truth.

This tribunal decision does not change the truth that Dr Trozzi is right. Nor does it fool anyone. It simply shows the truth about these people, and places them on the wrong side of history.

If these people were smart, they would get on board with the truth that there is no Covid-19, they all lied, and the covid vaccines are harmful. So they can try to gain some redemption by helping those who are suffering due to the vaccines.

Instead they perpetuate the covid lie and pretend the vaccine genocide is not happening. Which furthers the problem and will not hide their complicity.

Censured for online appearances criticizing mandate

Cindy Harper | ReclaimTheNet.org

Freedom of speech, an enduring pillar of democratic society, is seemingly being challenged in Canada, where the Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal has passed a verdict deeming Dr. Mark Trozzi guilty of professional misconduct.

The tribunal’s grounds for this judgement? According to them, it was Dr. Trozzi’s dissent from authorities’ views on Covid-19 mandates, which they categorized as “misinformation.”

The ruling highlights the debate surrounding free speech in the realm of healthcare.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario v. Trozzi, 2023 ONPSDT 22

Dr. Trozzi isn’t just subtly questioning government-imposed Covid health policies. Rather, he’s actively criticizing them, which the tribunal has taken as spreading mistruths intentionally. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) firmly believes in their right to limit free speech under the guise of safeguarding public interest – an idea that becomes sincerely troubling when viewed through the lens of free speech.

Dr. Trozzi’s advocates insist that this is an obstruction to free speech, one of the essential freedoms Canadians hold dear, as reported by The Epoch Times. Nevertheless, the tribunal showed stark obstinacy towards protecting such fundamental rights. Dr. Trozzi’s plea that prohibitions on his expression could stifle other medical professionals from catalyzing necessary scientific discussions fell on deaf ears.

Ruling Source: https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onpsdt/doc/2023/2023onpsdt22/2023onpsdt22.pdf

2 thoughts on “Ontario Doctor Who Rightfully Rejected Covid Mandates Is Found Guilty of Spreading “Misinformation,” aka The Truth

  1. Yup , just keep fcking with these people , eventually you fckers will find the one, that will burn yer house down. prove all your lies publicly and blow the lid off your planned genocide .. what than ? huh?
    Cant happen soon enough , keep at it i just cant wait

    1. It’s got to happen right? I mean the odds must surely be in our favor. I was just daydreaming today that surely out there somewhere in the world there must be someone or even a few people in a position somewhere who can actually do that one big act of bravery to dramatically change the narrative. I was daydreaming specifically of one example at the time – a pilot who might be able to fly or direct a nuke into a WEF meeting or a gathering of top bankers or royal families or even the Rothschild residences with them and/or their families inside (Yes, I said their families! It was a daydream afterall!) – but when you put your mind to it there’s so many options that one can daydream about…

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