This interaction between Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick and a local health minister reveals that the reason why the Australian government, like the Canadian government isn’t letting unvaccinated people fly on commercial airlines has nothing to do with health policy but with the fact that these countries, like the US and all other UN members are signatory to the International Health Regulations accord of 2005 or IHR.
Most people, like me had never heard of the IHR. These regulations override and supersede the US Constitution.
While everyone is looking at Ukraine, the WHO is planning a power grab to give it legal powers over the pandemic response in 190 countries.
James Rogusky has put together this amazing resource on his Substack, informing us about what’s happening and a call-to-action and what we can do, parts of which I’m sharing below.
On January 12, 2022, the United States submitted a number of amendments to the IHR that will give away even more of our sovereignty and greatly empower the World Health Organization (WHO) to restrict YOUR health related rights and freedoms.
The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland this May 22-28, 2022. The Assembly will vote on the amendments to the IHR. They are very likely to pass and be enacted into International law unless “We the People” stand up against this attack on our sovereignty.
These amendments to the International Health Regulations do NOT need to be approved by two-thirds of the US Senate. We have already agreed to obey the IHR by virtue of our membership in the United Nations and the World Health Organization. We have already given away some of our sovereignty. These amendments will give away even more.
In addition to the proposed amendments to the IHR, the WHO has also set up an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is actively negotiating an international “Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is separate from, and in addition to, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations I just mentioned.
The “Pandemic Treaty” is being drafted and negotiated as we speak.
While everyone is looking at Ukraine the WHO is planning a power grab to give it legal powers over the pandemic response for 190 countries.
A summary of the proposed treaty could legally empower the WHO to do the following:
- Increased surveillance
- A “One Health” approach
- A direct attack on sovereignty via outside data
- The WHO may unilaterally decide
- Enable health care workers to be brought in.
- The deliberations of the Emergency Committee are shared with states, but not necessarily with the public.
- The “Compliance Committee” will have investigatory powers within each country – another loss of sovereignty.
- Amendments come into effect more quickly (in 6 months instead of 18).
- Change the definition of a pandemic (again) in order to declare unjustified pandemics. The WHO could declare almost anything to be a pandemic – heart disease, cancer, diabetes, mental illness, etc.
- Impose lockdowns worldwide, centrally from the UN.
- Enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the individual people of the world.
- Implement universal vaccination mandates and digital vaccine passports.
- Develop norms and standards for digital technology related to international travel for international contact tracing.
- Develop surveillance systems that would link into each country’s national health system.
- Give incentives for countries to report new viruses or variants, keeping up the ongoing fear.
- Promote untested medicines and vaccines developed against new viruses that only feed the profits of drug companies.
- Mandate the sharing of data and genome sequences of emerging viruses.
- Institute guidelines on how each member country would pay fees to the World Health Organization in addition to the annual membership fees each member country is already paying.
The rest is here:
Smart cities.
It’s not in their ability.
Outside any jurisdiction but mine.
Non starter.
I didn’t sign nothin over to the UN
So if they want it from me They gonna have to fight me for it
This fallacy that they or this government, speak for me or represent me is a lie