The guidance says that “sexuality education starts from birth” and is described as a “framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists”.
Its advice on how to “talk about sexual matters” with young children was aimed at policymakers across Europe, and was translated into several European languages and promoted at national and international events, according to the WHO.
The document was also cited in a report consulted by Welsh ministers who last year rolled out a mandatory sexual education syllabus to schools in Wales, and has led to a backlash from the Government, MPs and activists.
The advice proposes that four-to-six year-olds should be taught to “talk about sexual matters” and “consolidate their gender identity”.
It recommends that children under the age of four should be told they have “the right to ask questions about sexuality” and “the right to explore gender identities”.
The WHO guidance also says that children aged four and under should be taught about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation”.
These topics are described as the “minimal standards that need to be covered by sexuality education”.
A Government spokesperson said: “The U.K. Government does not recognise this WHO guidance and we don’t agree with its recommendations. We have not distributed or promoted it to schools. We offer our own guidance to help schools to teach children and young people about relationships and health.”
However, the WHO guidance, first published in 2010, was cited in a 2017 report commissioned by Welsh ministers entitled ‘Informing the Future of the Sex and Relationships Curriculum in Wales‘.

Worth reading in full.
I know in my heart most of the world is against this. Most want the purest innocence protected and able to develop without an intrusive agenda burdening it/they with confusing dilemmas and choices. Children just want to play, and yes, they are curious, but the total of their existence is not tied up in the area of their genitals. Their learning and discovery will come about gradually and naturally and as was always the norm, with loving parents who guide and protect. Yes, some parents today have been programmed into abandoning this role, but they are NOT the majority.
It’s a tiny minority bringing this upon us. A nightmare. A Talmud decree that dishonors children to the highest degree, which is really the lowest place you could take them. To steal innocence is to tamper with soul and to scar the wonder of growing up. Adults betraying children is a sin amongst sins, and even though we know this tiny minority of monsters will pay, the wounds they inflict will ever need tending.
Recent episode from the kid’s show Transformers: EarthSpark. They’re after your kids:
A balm to balance:
These mthrfkrs are going all in because they are uncloaked and exposed…. truly the last plank in the commie manifesto
Now Ford.
“Redefining tough?”
The singing senator from Nebraska:
Fake left fighting fake right. Kids caught in the shuffle. This is like a great demon fighting a lesser demon, a puppet demon, so to speak:
Yeah, kids caught in the shuffle.
(sad face morphing into enraged face!!)