Over 60% of Americans fear corrupt government – study


It is not the “scary clown” epidemic that makes Americans afraid, but more mundane fears, such as corrupt government. Unfair officials terrify people more than terrorism or economic collapse, according to a new survey.

Over 60 percent of adult Americans have confessed that they are “very afraid” of corrupt government officials. That fear is holding its leading position for the second year in the row and is followed by terrorism and money-related concerns.  

“People often fear what they cannot control, and we find continued evidence of that in our top fears,” Christopher Bader, Ph.D., professor of sociology at Chapman University, said in a public release.

The Chapman University Survey of American Fears ranked the nation’s top 10 fears. They included restrictions on firearms and ammunition (38.5 percent), identity theft (37.1 percent), deaths or serious illness of their loved ones (38.1 percent and 35.9 respectively).

There are 35.5 percent who said that they were afraid or very afraid of Obamacare.

“The 2016 survey data shows us the top fears have shifted from last year’s, which were heavily based in economic and ‘big brother’ type issues to include more health and financial fears this year,” Bader said.

In 2015, the second greatest fear was cyber-terrorism, followed by corporate tracking of personal data.

This year, a terrorist attack is the second most feared, compared to its fourth position in 2015. Obamacare and gun control also haven’t come up since last year’s survey.

The actual list of things Americans are afraid of is much longer and includes fears related to natural disasters or even technology, for example cyber-terrorism or the government using drones. Then there were fears of immigration, including concerns of white people being outnumbered.

Clowns, which have been spooking Americans since August, are far from the top of that list, with only 7.8 percent.

The survey asked 1,511 people nationwide between May 5 and 18, 2016.


8 thoughts on “Over 60% of Americans fear corrupt government – study

  1. When SAXONs become fearful they also become angry. Angry intelegent bunch of people then start preparing to make what makes them afraid and angry go a way so they can be happy and joyful and safe again. If you look at the gun and ammunition sales month over month, and year over year you can see what a dangerous situation the New World Order and their minions have created for themselves. Its just a question of time before the Saxons have had their full measure and do what is is a needful thing. All out civil war. That is what is smoldering right under the surface. It is the primary reason the elites are trying to start a big fat horrible global war. They know the only chance they have is to kill 90% or more of those SAXONs with WMDs in order to avoid being hunted down and destroyed. I would argue that even if they got the Saxons Nuked that still would not stop the elites from being eventually hunted down and dispatched. Question is whether the Saxons pull it together and go after these monsters before they can arrange a little nuclear war for us to try and survive’.


    1. “When SAXONs become fearful they also become angry. ”



  2. It seems to me that the survey could have included one more important question:

    Have you always been a frightened pussy, hiding in the closet from scary clowns, brainless bureaucrats, and corrupt government officials, or do you remember once being a man, who stood up bravely to all threats?

    C’mon…. 35% are afraid of Obamacare? That’s just embarrassing.

  3. It’s nice to see that a majority understands the real threat, though there’s undoubtedly a lot of cognitive dissonance thrown in the mix as well. How many of those 60% will still vote in the upcoming election, especially for Hillary or Trump? How many still think anyone in a government uniform is a “good guy”?

    If gun confiscation is imposed by Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinswine, Upchuck Schumer, et al., or if President Trump decides to purge political dissidents, these politicians will not PERSONALLY go house-to-house in order to impose these measures. The pigs and military will do it for them. A huge percentage of supposed Second Amendment advocates fail to understand this.

    It makes ZERO sense to be distrustful of government while trusting government enforcers. If the enforcers were trustworthy, then we would have absolutely NO need for the Second Amendment (or any others, for that matter), since the enforcers could be counted on to refuse enforcement of wrongful laws and orders. Of course, such refusal has NEVER happened to any significant extent in the US. 99.9% of pigs and troops will obey whatever orders they’re given as long as they receive pay and as long as they perceive the government as stable.

    As for “radical Islamic terrorism,” anyone worried about that is a candy-ass little sissy. The threat is negligible, though it would even smaller if the JewSA government didn’t do everything possible to incite and enable terrorism.

  4. “When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When a government fears the people, there is freedom.”

    Thomas Jefferson

    So they’re saying we’re living in tyranny? What took them so long and when are we going to put an end to it all?

  5. IF this ‘survey’ is even close to accurate ( I ‘ave me doubts), then it’s telling us that somewhere in the neighborhood of 40% of the people in this country are hopelessly stupid.

    FEMA/.40 fodder.

    1. I wouldn’t let that hang you up if it is 80% are stupid. My opinion that may be closer to the mark especially in Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fran Freako etc…

      Don’t loose heart my good man? 🙂 Majorities really don’t matter. How many people fought the British between 1775 and 1783? About 4% I believe it was. It was an infinitesimal minority who changed the world. The rest didn’t do squat and pretty much were furniture. Keep a chin up and a song in your heart. I suspect lot of folks like you will change the world one day. 🙂

      1. I moved from L.A. to where the people are a lot smarter about one thing at least… LOTS of guns & ammo.

        Still way too many ‘voters’ around, though.

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