5 thoughts on “Plague of Corruption AND We Must Know There ARE REAL Solutions w/ Dr Judy Mikovits

  1. Thanks Katie. So glad you posted this. This must go viral !!! …..pardon the pun

    people can skip the first six minutes to get to the meat of the matter

  2. Sent this to both my daughters, incredible information. I’m convinced my health problems were because of taking these shots in the past as a child, my parents didnt know any better.

    I just wish I could personally hang the MTFKRS who allowed this.

    1. Mark, we all are angry as hell. I have sent parts one and two to all my email contacts.
      This must also be shared with doctors. They are operating in ignorance as Judy states she did just as I did for over 30 years!!!!!! Thanks for spreading this most CRITICAL information. IT MUST GO VIRAL (pardon the pun) ASAP. Let’s shut this $hit down and start the round ups!

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