Prayers are Requested



I have maintained a nice, quiet relationship with Rick and Robin Light. Rick is the Commander of the Texas State Militia.

We received a hurried message from him several hours ago asking for our prayers for his wife and beloved partner Robin, who was being rushed to the hospital. At this point in time we have nothing more to share.  

Thanks and hugs,

The song below is offered not only for Rick and Robin, but for all of us in need at this time. . . and I sense that means a great many of us . . .

UPDATE from Rick’s  Facebook Page:

Update on my Sister, Robin Light per Rick Light: She is in critical condition. They have stabilized her and are continuing to run tests. They do not have the results back of all the tests yet so they haven’t told them what is wrong. They did say it was a good thing they got her to the hospital when they did as she most likely would not have made it through the night. Thank you Sheriff Pamela Elliott for being there to help expedite the process with them being in such a rural and remote area.

Please continue to keep them in your prayers and I will update as I know more. Please respect their time together as well as the situation and don’t blow up Rick’s phone. Myself and others are keeping him abreast of all your concerns and prayers.

24 thoughts on “Prayers are Requested

  1. Just read your post, Cathleen, and began to pray for Robin
    immediately. God is able!! Please let us know something
    as soon as you find out.

    People, the Lord is our only hope in these last days!

  2. I sat here reading your post and then closed my eyes and said a prayer for Robin and Rick. I don’t know them as I am a newcomer over here, but it seems like there are some true prayer warriors here. God Bless Robin and may He bless her with a very speedy recovery.

  3. Hi Cathleen,

    I didn’t realize that Jean was still in touch with Rick. I thought everyone went their separate ways after the drama with Drake. My thoughts and prayers for Robin and Rick during their difficult time. I hope the doctors will be able to get results quickly and aide her in healing.

    1. Hi Deb,

      I’ve not been keeping up with all the drama. But I know Jean separated from Neil Keenan. As to why, I don’t know and I’m not certain about Rick and Drake. I stopped following Drake a long time ago. There seems to be one less bolt in his construction in my opinion.
      . . .

      1. Cathleen,

        I noticed after you had posted the last update from NK here, that Jean had not posted it to her page. I’m not sure what happened either. I stopped listening to Drake’s updates quite awhile ago too.

        As I was replying to this post, I just saw the newest update from Rick. I hope she pulls through this dire situation. Very sad news.

  4. My Wishes for Robin and Rick and family:
    May God bless you.
    May he keep you safe from harm.
    May he have mercy on you and your family.
    May the lord always be by your side.
    May he protect you and uphold your undertakings..
    May the lord bless you always.

    The song in the video is beautiful and have sent to my sister in her
    time of need.

  5. All my best of hopes for Robin my best thoughts are with her.
    By the way, just what happened to her to have been in such life threatening shape. Haven`t seen anything mentioned about that – what the heck happened to her.
    I hope for the fullest recovery reguardless of what happened for what ever reason

    1. I don’t know Dan. No one actually said what happened to her. If I hear anything further, I’ll report back.
      . . .

      1. Thank you Cathleen I would appreciate that 😉 .

        Like James said @ 4:37 – I am pretty much the same way but I give only my best wishes and vibes to be sent out Robin. She will be in my dreams to get to feeling happy and healthy again

  6. Not a religious person at least in the common sense but wish Robin a speedy and healthy recovery and will try and send mentally a few good vibes her way.

  7. Here’s another update and a way to help if you wish.


    A little after 12:30 last night Robin Light, Rick Light’s Wife went into full cardio arrest and has been unresponsive since that time.

    She is bleeding internally and they have slowed that bleeding down but other problems are making this hard for the Doctors.

    They did find that her liver is severely damaged and the bleeding seems to stem from that. The thought of losing the love of my life is getting very hard to bear.

    Please pray for that miracle Patriots.. God Bless you all for thinking of us at this time.. Rick Light & Corey James

    Supported by: WCG, Inc. & Patriot Network

    Questions? Call: 731-607-6527 or 731-412-0092 or 334-787-9676

    Corey James
    . . .

    1. WOW! That certainly doesn’t sound good. It is Wonderful that she has awakened and is responding. Please keep us posted.
      She is in my thoughts and prayers (her family, also).

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