President of the World Jewish Congress, Ron Lauder, advocates for “severe laws” that will put people “in prison for a long time” for supposed antisemitic remarks.

4 thoughts on “President of the World Jewish Congress, Ron Lauder, advocates for “severe laws” that will put people “in prison for a long time” for supposed antisemitic remarks.

  1. Re: “Severe laws that will put people in prison for a long time…”

    Hmm… Will those who commit genocide be put in prison for a long time?

    Totally up-side-down world.


  2. Beelzebub.

    Wiki bit: “Beelzebub or Baʿal Zebub – Hebrew … is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron. In some Abrahamic religions he is described as a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal.”


  3. Yep, they’re literally working towards bringing back the death penalty for “anti-semitism” just like they had in soviet Russia.

  4. In other words, do not quote the Bible! Do not quote John 8:44 (Christ calling the Pharisees sons of the devil) and more…unless you’re “Christian” Zionist, of course….

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