President Trump to Kim Jong Un: My ‘nuclear button’ is ‘much bigger’ and ‘more powerful’ than yours

ABC News

So says President Donald Trump, who ignited a new war of the words Tuesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Unover the size of his purported “nuclear button.”

Trump tweeted, “North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.’ Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”  

The president’s attempt at one-upmanship came after the rogue leader said in a New Year’s address, “the button for nuclear weapons is on my table,” and that he could use it to launch an attack on the entire United States.

But this latest battle of who has the biggest button, isn’t grounded in reality: Trump does not actually have a nuclear button on his desk, reports The Associated Press. The nuclear “football” is carried by a rotating group of military officers everywhere the president goes.

24 thoughts on “President Trump to Kim Jong Un: My ‘nuclear button’ is ‘much bigger’ and ‘more powerful’ than yours

  1. Can the level of insanity get any worse?!! Oh yeah, I forgot… Now it’s aided by epic immaturity.

    How well he dances the satanic samba, so easily willing to deal out death.

    Make America Grow Again!! Into what she once was, into her true purpose of freedom and decency.


  2. “And… annnd….MINE’S ORANGE!! So THERE!!”

    Are trump-et blowers ashamed YET?!

    Dear God, even if you could school them to the point of realizing their stupidity, could they ever be useful or trustworthy?

    1. Still a few “trump-et blowers” in me own neighborhood. Soon they’ll move to the Y2K neighborhood, where the disillusioned are welcomed with open arms. And it’s right next to the Hope and Change area.



      1. Haha Yep, they chided the hornswoggled delusional hopey-changey crowd for licking o’bummer(Irish maybe?) arse and getting duped, but they get thrown the orange SUPER-joo billionaire “reality” talmud vision star(but still a very small fish in a big pond), and HE is supposed to be the real deal?!?!

        Sweet JC Almighty, if that doesn’t prove to anyone the true power of propaganda and brainwashing and how f’g retarded it can make someone, there is nothing that will.

  3. oh yeah? I say they both whip it out at the same in front of live cameras and we will just see who has the bigger button….haha

  4. i want all you trenchers to understand one small teeny weeny fact.. nuclear weapons DO NOT exist. that’s why they’re so flippant about ”using” them. don’t be afraid, don’t worry. like EVERYTHING else they tell us, it’s a lie. moon landing, 911, sandy hook… but nukes are real?? no sir.. no ma’am.

        1. Thank you, Katie. I will watch tomorrow. So hard to watch everything because of the time it takes. Well, we do what we can.

          In the mean time, I’ll do more research, but nonetheless, all bombs kill. Ask the Gazans about white phosphorous/mini nukes. And I’ve neighbors from from Micronesia and Bikini Atoll whose lives were forever changed from so-called nuclear bomb tests. I’m looking for a certain link that highlights the devastating impact on their lives in terms of lesions that appeared on skin and subsequent cancers/early death. Will post if I find it. In the meantime, here are some stories. Who can say what is absolutely true:


  5. …and the dick waving continues.
    Again, I’m calling BS. No proof that KJU has missiles, or is even angry at the US. I view all this as American fabrication as an excuse for invasion later. Three ICBMs flown over Japan and not a single photo? Really?!

    1. that’s right.. no proof that ANYBODY has any missiles! icbms don’t exist. nuCUlar weapons don’t exist and satellites ”orbiting” the ”planet” don’t exist. there’s no button but i give you a thumbs up!

  6. Like I’ve said before, the US is sending troops to North Korea in a few months, especially from Texas in order to start a war, so this is all a part of their plan to get things moving on the political side.

  7. Well, I watched some of the vids which claim nuclear weapons don’t exist. A lot of red flags for me, even in spite of knowing all the lies we’ve continuously been fed. So I conferred with a highly-trusted friend who has a science background and he validated my instincts on the issue. Here are two paragraphs of what he shared with me, much of which I agree with:

    …in truth, I would not allow such people to put their nose under the tent. … My take on the ‘nukes do not exist’ people is they are part of the regime’s official/unofficial promotion of absurdity. When us real truthers break set with the big lie, it seems so lonely, and we take gas from the herd, and become prey to the tactics of undermining, which include, flat earth, and no nukes, etc. The way the Jewish agents spin it is the absurdists are no different from 9/11 truth and Sandy Hoax, so let them into the logos. But unfortunately they are just an absurdity, and pathetic agents spreading nonsense to discredit all rational people.

    I have studied the history of atomic weapons and watched many videos of them and DU, and interviewed Marion Falk (retired chemical physicist who built nuclear bombs for more than 20 years at Lawrence Livermore Lab) twice on the phone. I have a hard copy of Gofman’s ( book on Population Control and Nuclear Radiation. The physics has been known since the thirties with understanding of neutrons and fission. It was called ‘the Jewish physics’ in the forties by scientists. All the main players were Jews. Thus, to pretend they never did the harm they have done is part of the work of the trolls. These agents work over all the sites because they get paid to be there spreading this misinfo and wasting our time. I for one will not debate absurdity and I just say, now you own your opinion, you brand yourself with your lie to the agents pushing this stuff, who are everywhere with the same story-line, or flat earth, etc. These people poison the well intentionally.

    So that’s what he wrote me. I accuse no one here of intentionally muddying the well since many base their conclusions on what they’ve studied. As for those who do muddy the well intentionally, I sniff them out and take them on as best I can, knowing I will sometimes be wrong.


    1. galen, I applaud your tenacity ….nukes whether they do or don’t exist comes behind my concern for the high tech weapons that have been created to destroy us physically as well mentally

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