RARE BIRTH! A white buffalo calf was reportedly born on June 4 at Yellowstone National Park.

3 thoughts on “RARE BIRTH! A white buffalo calf was reportedly born on June 4 at Yellowstone National Park.

  1. I’d like to think this has some significance. Who knows, but there’s a certain beauty to it and the faith that it stirs. And when the tribal leader says it means “more must be done to protect the earth,” would that not mean cleansing it of those who perpetuate genocide? Those who steal, lie, torture, rape, and commit all manner of abuse? Just like any blade of grass, we humans are “the earth.” We are nature. What harms us must be eliminated.


    1. Pretty much everyone who publicly says things like “more must be done to protect the earth,” these days is in the enemy ranks. Unless they specifically outline along with that statement the TRUTH about WHO exactly is the main perpetrator of harm (NOT just spitting out “manmade global warming”) & therefore WHO must be “dealt with” in order for the world to heal then I’m wary AF regardless of the race, gender (real m/f not fake) or supposed “status” of the person saying it!

      1. Yeah, the time of walking on eggs is over. We stand on solid ground with the truth. All we’re basing it on is what the Jews themselves tell us in their supremacy stance and in their dominance objectives.


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