Reactions to Obama’s UN Address

At the UN, Obama urged countries to help fight terrorism, while his government creates and supports terror groups in the Middle East.  Image credit: www.tampabay.comThe Real Agenda – by Steven J. Lendman

A separate article discussed it. He didn’t surprise. Demagogic mumbo jumbo Big Lies drowned out truth.

Not according to media scoundrels. The New York Times finds new ways to lie, distort and misreport.

It substitutes managed news misinformation rubbish for hard truths. It’s longstanding Times policy.  

It ludicrously called Obama a “once-reluctant warrior…” It ignored his war on humanity throughout his tenure. His naked aggression.

His ravaging and destroying one nation after another. His latest Iraq and Syrian aggression. The Times turned truth on its head.

It highlighted Obama’s “muscular new course.” His vow to “dismantle the Islamic State’s ‘network of death.’ “

He created it. It’s a valued US ally. Pentagon special forces and CIA operatives train its fighters in Jordan and Turkey.

They deploy them cross-border to Syria. They do so to wage war on Assad.

Obama wants him ousted. He wants US-friendly stooge governance replacing him.

His latest aggression aims to do it. Don’t expect Times correspondents, contributors or editors to explain.

Or Washington Post ones. They headlined “President Obama embraces democracy promotion once again,” saying:

His UN address, a previous one in New York, his September 10 statement on IS, and his September 23 memorandum on “civil society(‘s) (commitment) to democratic governance” potentially “shift(s) the momentum.”

They called it “significant that (Obama) recognized that dictators are banding together to promote autocracy and checkmate democracy.”

“…(H)e left no doubt…pledg(ing) ‘to stand with the courageous citizens and brave civil society groups…”

He’s working for equality and opportunity, said WaPo editors. He pursues “justice and human dignity all over the world,’ ” they added.

“He saluted democracy activists.” He “ordered administration officials…to make (defending) freedom fighters a priority.”

He opposes “foreign governments (against) freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly, and association,” he said.

When Arab Spring failed to bloom in 2011, he ludicrously proclaimed a new chapter in American diplomacy.

Throughout his tenure, he waged war on humanity. It rages out-of-control. He calls it “American leadership. He’s “transition(ing) to democracy” worldwide, he said.

WaPo editors lied. They claim he’s “forced to confront an aggressive Russia and a rampaging Islamic State…”

“…(H)e may be remembering that the United States and its allies cannot defeat Islamist fundamentalism or Russian neo-fascism without a more hopeful ideology of their own.”

He lied claiming “(w)e are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom, and we are prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come.”

WaPo editors ludicrously called his comments “a sound foundation for a reinvigorated, and more successful, foreign policy over the coming 28 months.”

The Wall Street Journal highlighted his “diplomatic pressure…to join an international coalition against Islamic extremism.

To do more to combat what he (called) the most pressing threat to global progress.”

“(T)he cancer of violent extremism.” Their “only language…is the language of force.”

WSJ editors ignored Obama’s latest aggression. His support for IS and other Islamic extremists.

Using them regionally for regime change. Ousting sovereign governments. Replacing them with rogue pro-Western ones.

Chicago Tribune editors twisted facts on “Why America is at war.”

They omitted explaining what’s most important. Washington’s hegemonic ambitions weren’t discussed. Or its longstanding war on humanity.

Obama’s war is not “a skirmish or a mop-up or a brief, sporadic mission,” they said. It’s “war…Hitting an enemy on foreign soil without an invitation is, unambiguously, war.”

Tribune editors support it. Rule of law principles don’t matter. It “mark(s) a new chapter in what promises to be a long, complicated war,” they said.

They urged more than airstrikes. “Islamic State (terrorists threaten) the entire Middle East,” they claimed. Defeating them “will take troops” on the ground.

“This battle against the Islamic State falls to this generation of Americans, just as the battle against some future threat will fall to the next.”

Obama asked world leaders to support his imperial adventurism. To join his coalition against Islamist extremism. He vowed to maintain military pressure against them.

Daily conflict claims scores of lives. Expect death and injury tolls to increase exponentially. Obama’s naked aggression assures it.

Syria’s Information Minister Omarn al-Zoubi discussed his country’s “drama.” Some Arab states “dealt with (it) to gain profits, with a clear distinction between th(is) goal, national and pan-Arab identity.”

Damascus’ UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari said Syria helped pioneer fighting terrorism. It coped with Israeli state terrorism for decades.

It’s battled Western-supported Islamic extremists since conflict erupted in March 2011. It’s ongoing.

Damascus supports international efforts for a common cause. It prioritizes saving lives. It wants Syrian sovereignty respected.

It wants international laws, norms and standards conformed to. Al-Jaafari said “participation of Israel in the so-called ‘alliance against ISIS’ undermines” its credibility.

“Shooting down a Syrian warplane, which (performed) national duty in bombing terrorist organizations, by Israel practically affirms that there is an alliance between Israel and al-Qaeda-linked terrorist organizations and others.”

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Amir-Abdollahian accused Washington of attacking Syrian civilians and vital infrastructure.

He called doing it a clear violation of Syrian sovereignty. He reiterated Iran’s support for Syria’s fight against terrorism. Its people alone should decide its future, he added.

Addressing the UN’s 69th General Assembly session, Iranian President Hassan Rohani spoke forthrightly. He said extremism and violence threaten regional peace and security.

It’s a global phenomenon, he said. “All countries (involved) in creating these terrorist organizations should own up to their mistake and apoplexies.”

“Our world today is replete with fear and hope. Fear of war and hostile regional and global relations.”

“Fear of deadly confrontation of religious, ethnic and national identities. Fear of institutionalization of violence and extremism.”

“Fear of poverty and destructive discrimination. Fear of decay and destruction of life-sustaining resources.”

“Fear of disregard for human dignity and rights, and fear of neglect of morality.”

“Alongside these fears, however, there are new hopes. The hope of universal acceptance by the people and the elite all across the globe of ‘yes to peace and no to war.’ “

“And the hope of preference of dialogue over conflict, and moderation over extremism.”

Rohani called Iran’s recent elections “a clear, living example of the wise choice of hope, rationality and moderation by the great people of Iran.”

“The realization of democracy consistent with religion and the peaceful transfer of executive power manifested that Iran is the anchor of stability in an otherwise ocean of regional instabilities.”

It doesn’t matter. Washington targets its sovereign independence. It wants control of its vast oil and gas reserves.

It wants Israel’s main regional rival removed. Netanyahu gives rogue leadership new meaning.

He blasted Rohani’s address. He called it “full of hypocrisy.” He lied claiming Iran pursues nuclear weapons.

He ignored Israel’s longstanding nuclear, chemical and biological weapons arsenals. Its willingness to use them lawlessly. Preemptively.

Its mass slaughter and destruction agenda. Its longstanding terror war on Palestine.

Iranian policy is polar opposite. Rohani knows what he’s up against. It doesn’t matter how responsibly he governs.

Or his commitment to world peace, equity and justice. Or his forthright outreach to all nations responsibly. Iran remains regional enemy No. 1.

It’s a functioning democracy. It respects all religious beliefs. It treats its small Jewish population lawfully.

It’s polar opposite Israeli state terror. What despotic Gulf State dictatorships inflict on their people and regionally. Their alliance with US state terrorism.

Jordan and Turkey support it. So does Egypt’s junta. Libya’s sham government. Other regional monarchies.

Things go from bad to worse. Global nuclear war more than ever is possible. It’ll be war to end future ones.

There’s a choice. Either prevent it or it’ll end us. There’s no in between.

On Wednesday, Russia and China surprisingly embraced Security Council Resolution 2178. It calls for UN Charter Chapter VII using force against Foreign Terrorist Fighters.

At the same time, Moscow and Beijing said they’ll challenge US military operations in Syria without more explicit Security Council approval than already.

They’ll veto resolutions authorizing it. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said:

“Military actions must comply with the UN Charter and the relevant Security Council resolutions. No double standards should be adopted.”

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said:

“There is doubt over the legitimacy of the strikes as such actions can only be carried out with the approval of the United Nations and the unequivocal permission of the authorities of the country where they are taking place, which in this case is the government in Damascus.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Obama’s UN address “failed to deliver if one compares it to real facts.”

He presented worldviews polar opposite reality, equity and justice. America is “a country (usurping) right to use force arbitrarily regardless of UN Security Council’s resolutions or other international legal acts in its national defense doctrine,” Lavrov said.

His address was bizarre and then some. It was outrageously brazen. Obama ludicrously called Ebola the top international threat.

He ranked nonexistent Russian aggression second. At the same time, he nonsensically said world societies today are “freer and safer.”

“I didn’t understand whether he was serious or not and whether there was an Orwellian element in it,” said Lavrov.

“Because George Orwell invented the Ministry of Truth, and it looks like this philosophy is lingering.”

Obama’s hegemonic worldview reflects America asserting “its (unilateral) right to use force arbitrarily,” Lavrov explained.

It’s shockingly over-the-top. It’s mindless of core international laws, norms, standards and morality. Moscow wants conflicts resolved diplomatically, Lavrov stressed.

It opposes unilateral “shifting the blame,” he added. It’s peace, stability, equity and justice agenda is polar opposite America’s.

The Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) reports one-sidedly for Israel. It serves hundreds of Jewish community newspapers and media subscribers worldwide.

It said Obama’s UN address “hardly mentioned Iran’s nuclear program.” It was polar opposite last year’s focus.

He considered it then one of Washington’s two major issues. “On Wednesday, he devoted just four lines to” it.

His “thin coverage…drew immediate notice of Jewish groups.” An American Jewish Committee tweet lied saying he “devoted only 78 words (to the) greatest threat to world peace.”

By email, Francis Boyle said he’s “not going to refute (Obama’s litany of) lies, propaganda, half-truths and distortions.”

He called nonexistent Russian aggression in Europe “baloney!” He appointed himself “global sheriff.” He did so against international terrorism he created.

He’s building “an international coalition against Russia. Boyle called  it a “deliberate provocation. A deliberate insult to Russia.”

He’s using Ebola “as a pretext to invade West Africa…” He’s joining with Britain and France to stead its oil, gas,” and other resources.

America, Israel and other nations know Iran has no nuclear weapons. It has no program to develop them.

It wants them abolished worldwide. It wants potential nuclear armageddon avoided.

Obama is trying to “drive a wedge between” China and Russia. He’s playing a losing game.

“He shed crocodile tears for Islam while murdering Muslims” worldwide. He “takes out…leaders” like a Mafia hit man.

He’s “Godfather to the world.” He’s an unprecedented menace. World peace hangs by a thread at his discretion.

US stooges run so-called Afghan “transitional government.” They violate their own constitution.

Obama has no legal authority to wage war on Iraq or Syria. He ignores international, constitutional and US statute laws.

He pontificates. He lectures Muslims while murdering them. What about “violent Jewish fundamentalists?” What about Christian fascists?

What about “our clash against Muslim civilization? What about direct and proxy wars against Muslim societies? What about pitting Sunnis against Shias?

What about ousting independent sovereign governments? What about replacing them with convenient US-friendly stooge ones?

Puppets serving Washington’s interests. Exploiting their own people ruthlessly in the process.

What about supporting Israeli mass murder and destruction? What about endorsing its killing machine? What about Big Lies substituting for hard truths?

What about decades of involvement in genocidal slaughter? What about official policy endorsing exterminating Muslim societies?

What about Zionism’s global scourge? What about destructive Israeli Lobby Power? What about trashing core human and civil rights?

What about mocking democratic ones? What about violating rule of law principles? What about waging war on humanity perhaps with intent to destroy it altogether?

Obama doesn’t give a damn about fundamental rights. An honors Harvard Law grad? “Give me a break,” said Boyle.

He reflects hypocrisy writ large. Why would populations anywhere look to America for leadership? People aren’t fools.

They know US policies threaten world peace and security. They know Obama represents imperial lawlessness and then some.

He exceeds the worst of history’s despots. He elevates rogue leadership to an unprecedented level.

His permanent war policy threatens humanity. Populations everywhere want peace, equity and justice. They want what Obama’s wars prevent.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at the Progressive Radio Network.

One thought on “Reactions to Obama’s UN Address

  1. “He’s working for equality and opportunity, said WaPo editors. He pursues “justice and human dignity all over the world,’ ” they added.”

    Wow! No shovel is big enough for that one.

    Canadian snowplow. The tires are taller than I am.

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