Report: Trump Says To Visit Israel ‘Soon’


JERUSALEM (AFP) –  US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will visit Israel “soon”, he told an Israeli newspaper in an interview published on Wednesday.

“Yes, I will be coming soon,” Trump said without giving further details in response to a question from the Israel Hayom newspaper, a freesheet considered close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  

Trump had scheduled a visit to Israel for late December but postponed it a few days before following an uproar over his proposal to bar all Muslims from entering the United States.

“I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date after I become president of the US,” he tweeted at the time.

In the interview published on Wednesday, Trump renewed his criticism of US President Barack Obama over a July nuclear deal with Iran that was vigorously opposed by the Israeli prime minister.

“The current threat against Israel is more important than ever” because of “President Obama’s policy towards Iran and the nuclear deal,” he said.

“I think the people of Israel have suffered a lot because of Obama.”

White House hopefuls often visit Israel as part of efforts to bolster their foreign policy credentials.

3 thoughts on “Report: Trump Says To Visit Israel ‘Soon’

  1. “I think the people of israel have SUFFERED a lot because of obama” he says. Yes, you know how horrible it is to be granted billions more in americans dollars every year. And how alone they must feel letting america fight their wars and destroy nations for them. Those poor israeli people. And this is a person running for president of the US? He speaks of the iran “deal”, I guess the job of destabilizing syria is near complete and they’re gonna “finish off with iran”. He might have just solidified his being the zionists pick.

  2. Now we know who controls who. There was a list of “Who controls Trump” on the web site freedon4um. Everyone is a jew.

  3. “I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date…”

    Was there EVER any doubt?

    “… after I become president of the US,” he tweeted at the time.”

    Hitlery, @ssclown.

    “I think the people of Israel have suffered a lot because of Obama.”


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