Revolutionary Statists Means Lower Living Standards


The latest crop of government supplicants lick up the promises of expanded social welfare from the charlatans that run for public office. The first Democratic Presidential debate was a deranged rally for the sickest sociopaths that a terminal society could find. The most radical proponents of insanity were not named Clinton, Sanders or O’Malley; no the mentally ill audience and the dullard clones that support the governance directives of the Democratic Party are most in need of professional mental help. Indeed, the ranks have fallen so far, from the standards under John F. Kennedy, that the party is no longer recognizable. With the paragon of their “Great Society”, the successors to FDR socialism have become the ultimate threat to what remains of the Republic.  

As the tyrannical regime of the mulatto Obama rule enters its final swan song, the coronation of the next collectivist is greeted with great enthusiasm by the faithful leeches that naively vote for government provided subsistence. As for the committed communist supporters, who know that a multiracial President is beyond accountability because he is untouchable in a “Black Lives Matter” culture, the wrath of exploited traditionalists and the condemnation of history will befall your evil deeds.

Since the deck is stacked to prance the wicked queen down the aisle of same sex marriage to her feminist stream of adorers, the pattern is set to debase the culture even to a new low. Never straying from her school girl idol, Saul Alinsky, the serial criminal is immune within a bubble of political protection by a hierarchy structure of co-conspirators.

If you have not lived through the 1990’s scandal ridden Clinton administration, you cannot imagine what act II will be like under a women scorned by a delayed menopause cycle.  With mad madam Clinton’s adoption of Bernie’s Sanders preference of socialist initiatives and expanded redistribution of wealth measures, the middle class will not experience “A rising tide lifts all boats”, economy as JFK would say.

No, the .001% of super elites own and control the cabal of the government crony capitalism partnership. The Socialist model is dead on arrival in any system that truly strives to expand upward mobility and widely disseminated wealth. The false narrative of the main stream media packaging lauds the gentrification of the dependency class through even more government programs of giveaway bennies.

How many more trillions of borrowed money needs to be sunk into a sink hole to repeat the same shoddy conclusions of the last fifty years?

Cheerleaders for fiscal suicide are the loudest proponents of revolutionary sadism that Statist Socialism always produces. The transmigration into a technofeudalism is the natural result of advocating a government dominate economy under the auspices of a corporatocracy structure of production and employment.

Socialism is antithetical to an independent and entrepreneurial economy. However, socialism is the mother’s milk of selective business ventures that cannot compete in the tangible world of a free market. It is because of this reason that privately owned and managed small businesses pose an antagonistic threat to the Statist system.

The real economy operates on Main Street and creates the predominance of jobs. Since the assault on the middle class is a cardinal tenet of consolidating super elite dominance, the revolutionary rhetoric of a Clinton or Sanders needs to be fashioned in touchy and feely terms. The approach used is to appeal to emotional base appetites and to offer pie in the sky freebies.

Those accepting such a pitch as sincere or credible are an example of prima facie evidence that most of the electorate is stuck on stupid. “So called” moderates in either party are susceptible to mental distortion of beneficial government intervention that hugely stacks the deck in favor of preferred corporations.

The claim that the economy does better under Democrats is just as much a sham as believing that a Republican Congress will pass legislation favorable to the economic health of individually owned enterprises.

Allowing systemic benign neglect, if not outright hostility towards defending the principles and practices of an independent and prosperous domestic economy, is the hallmark of the comrades that populate public policy decisions.

Just how well are you doing since the financial meltdown? Congressmen Stephen Fincher and French Hill write in Dodd-Frank is a Nightmare on Main Street.

“Unfortunately for the American people, this promise of prosperity for small business was never fulfilled. Instead, Dodd-Frank has not only strengthened “too-big-to fail” by consolidating much of our banking industry to just a handful of institutions, but it has also created the equally terrifying concept of “too-small-to-succeed.”

Gee any wonder that both Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd and Representative Barney Frank got out of Congress after doing their dirty work.

Yep, the patrons and donator bundlers for the Democrat Socialists know all too well that the dumb down voters will simply make their mark on a voting ballot if promised that more government subsidies are coming their way.

Effectively, aspiration for advancement in this social welfare society translates into clapping for the professional political class as they roll out their next and more expensive redistribution proposal. Lost in the pitch is that the remaining middle class will be tapped to fund the bribes to  idiots, while the super rich adds more zeros to their net worth.

Hillary Clinton has devoted her life to fleecing the foolish. The bleeding heart NPR listeners are hypnotized by the soothing lisp of chants for fairness and equality, while all the time the policies of the cradle to grave proponents emasculates the bold and daring.

Wealth is created by hard work, intelligent design and audacious execution. None of these qualities are components of a government central planning technocracy. Authoritarianism and the use of coercion is the inevitable result from a Statist mindset.

How any self respecting and honest liberal could support the inane balderdash assurances of a serial liar or the utopian class warfare of an avowed socialist, is beyond comprehension. Revolutionary Statists of any ilk are anti-American and deserve to be repudiated.

SARTRE – October 20, 2015

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One thought on “Revolutionary Statists Means Lower Living Standards

  1. Democratic Party/Republican Party – same difference. All the old rhetoric about JFK’s Democratic Party vs. Tricky Dick’s or Ronald (media spokesman) Reagan’s Republican Party is all complete hogwash. We all know very well what the F’N problem is. What we do about it remains to be seen.

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