6 thoughts on “Right-Wing-Nutter HAS NERVOUS BREAKDOWN in Middle of ‘Border Freedom Convoy!”

  1. I’m a little confused but where does this woman say anything about Donald Trump? Did I miss something? I’m sure people are in it for profit and their 20 mins of fame but nothing she says implies Donald Trump to me or any political viewpoint. Just her talking about freedom.

    1. If any convoy guys were real, they’d be flying Bill of Rights flags and stopping the invasion with whatever it takes and they’d be exposing Trump as a traitor. That said… I don’t know this Jesse guy but he’s the frikkin’ “nut case.” I identify deeply with that woman’s words. Right NC, I didn’t hear anything from her about Trump (and I hope she sees he’s a big part of the problem) but instead I heard someone who sees the betrayal of opportunists posing as freedom-fighters. And the Jesse guy puts her down, making assumptions about her, dismissing her, and painting her as someone “hellbent on destroying the country.” He sits there with the frikkin’ flag of oppression flying behind him, and Abe hovering ‘Uber Alles’ in front of The Capitol, the architecture of oppression. I don’t know what all we’ll find out about the woman, but I hear her loud and clear. How does he know she’s there for Trump? And maybe she is. Jesse calls her “confused” while he goes on about protecting “democracy.” It’s like watching the devil put down Braveheart. He says she is “losing it,” while he’s the one absolutely lost, lost in whatever lie he is serving. Then the bast*rd really strikes a low blow with ad-homs, attacking her “station in life,” and saying what amounts to her not knowing she’s in “the freest country in the world.” Well, as long as he’s well paid he doesn’t have to worry about looking into what real freedom is. And yeah, of course at the end he asks for your money. The man is a suppressive person attempting to put a lid on truth, and he wouldn’t recognize a real freedom-fighter if he stood face-to-face with one. His idea of such a one is someone who wears a suit and works in Congress. To him, and as Orwell might say: Oppressors are Freedom-Fighters, and Captors are Liberators. I write not so much to defend her as I do to expose him. He can live in the up-side-down world all he wants. He won’t make it when we turn it right-side-up.


      1. Yep that’s basically what I heard and how I felt, too. I don’t know who this Jesse guy is but if he thought she was crazy, then he definitely seemed even more bat-sh*t crazy like he was living in a whole different reality from what I see.

      2. Thank you galen. That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking after watching the video. I just had the overwhelming desire to punch that kook right in his smug face!

  2. “The condition of the country that isn’t bad, but she believes it’s bad.”
    Gee, I wonder what he considers good.

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