Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel

Independent – by Paul Gallagher

American musicians who support boycotting Israel over the issue of Palestinian rights are terrified to speak out for fear their careers will be destroyed, according to Roger Waters.

The Pink Floyd star – a prominent supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel since its inception 10 years ago – said the experience of seeing himself constantly labelled a Nazi and anti-Semite had scared people into silence.  

“The only response to BDS is that it is anti-Semitic,” Waters toldThe Independent, in his first major UK interview about his commitment to Israeli activism. “I know this because I have been accused of being a Nazi and an anti-Semite for the past 10 years.

“My industry has been particularly recalcitrant in even raising a voice [against Israel]. There’s me and Elvis Costello, Brian Eno, Manic Street Preachers, one or two others, but there’s nobody in the United States where I live. I’ve talked to a lot of them, and they are scared s***less.

“If they say something in public they will no longer have a career. They will be destroyed. I’m hoping to encourage some of them to stop being frightened and to stand up and be counted, because we need them. We need them desperately in this conversation in the same way we needed musicians to join protesters over Vietnam.”

Waters likened Israeli treatment of Palestinians to apartheid South Africa. “The way apartheid South Africa treated its black population, pretending they had some kind of autonomy, was a lie,” he said.

“Just as it is a lie now that there is any possibility under the current status quo of Palestinians achieving self-determination and achieving, at least, a rule of law where they can live and raise their children and start their own industries. This is an ancient, brilliant, artistic and very humane civilisation that is being destroyed in front of our eyes.”

A trip to Israel in 2006, where Waters had planned to play a gig in Tel Aviv and the end of the European leg of his Dark Side of the Moon Live tour, transformed his view of the Middle East.

“If they say something in public they will no longer have a career. They will be destroyed. I’m hoping to encourage some of them to stop being frightened and to stand up and be counted, because we need them. We need them desperately in this conversation in the same way we needed musicians to join protesters over Vietnam.”

Waters likened Israeli treatment of Palestinians to apartheid South Africa. “The way apartheid South Africa treated its black population, pretending they had some kind of autonomy, was a lie,” he said.

“Just as it is a lie now that there is any possibility under the current status quo of Palestinians achieving self-determination and achieving, at least, a rule of law where they can live and raise their children and start their own industries. This is an ancient, brilliant, artistic and very humane civilisation that is being destroyed in front of our eyes.”

A trip to Israel in 2006, where Waters had planned to play a gig in Tel Aviv and the end of the European leg of his Dark Side of the Moon Live tour, transformed his view of the Middle East.

He travelled around the West Bank towns of Jenin, Ramallah and Nablus, seeing how the two communities were segregated – and also visited the security barrier separating Israel from the Occupied Territories spraying a signed message from his seminal work “Another Brick in the Wall”, which read: “We don’t need no thought control”.

Waters soon joined the BDS movement, inviting opprobrium and condemnation for daring to do what so few musicians are prepared to. “I’m glad I did it,” he says, as people in Israeli are “treated very unequally depending on their ethnicity. So Palestinian Israeli citizens and the Bedouin are treated completely different from Jewish citizens. There are 40 to 50 different laws depending on whether you are or you are not Jewish.”

Waters expected to be shouted down by critics, but it is the Nazi accusations that he considers the most absurd, especially given that his father, Lt Eric Waters of the 8th Royal Fusilliers, died aged 31 fighting the Nazis at Anzio, Italy, in early 1944. His body was never found but his name is commemorated at the Commonwealth War Graves cemetery at Monte Cassino.

18 thoughts on “Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel

  1. You can say all you like about Israel, unless of course, you want to remain rich and famous.

    Who owns the record companies? Who owns the radio stations? Who owns the newspapers, TV stations, and movie companies?

    BDS means making your own news and entertainment media, too, but you won’t get rich doing it, so is it about the music, or the money?

  2. Much respect to Mr. Waters for having the guts to speak out. He’ll probably never want for money, but he’s clearly putting his reputation on the line — and possibly his safety as well.

    It’s rich that the Zionists are calling HIM a Nazi when their ideology is essentially a mirror image of Nazi Germany. The “Chosen People” view themselves as the “Master Race,” and espouse a two-tiered moral system intended to benefit Jews at the expense of everyone else.

    The more famous people speak out against Jewish Supremacism, the more others will have the courage to follow. It’s just a matter of getting that snowball rolling downhill.

  3. “The only way we’ll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba — yes Cuba too.”
    ― Malcolm X

  4. Glad to know that sometimes, rich folks do the right thing…too bad more of them won’t do it. And it has come to the point where being called “anti-semitic” has become a badge of honor.

    And, BTW, most Palestinians ARE SEMITES! (and I forgot, most Jews ARE JAPHETHITES…Ashkenaz was the son of Gomer, son of Japheth!)

  5. Funny that the JOOOOOOS call Roger a Nazi when the whole Wall opera was putting down the Germans inspired by Roger’s dad being killed in WWII by the Germans. Shows that the JOOOOS don’t have a valid argument and always fall back on the same old garbage whenever attacked. Glad to see they haven’t offed Roger YET.

  6. ““The only response to BDS is that it is anti-Semitic,” Waters toldThe Independent”

    YAAWWWWNNN!!!! Wow. That’s weak. So weak of an excuse, it’s beyond pathetic.

    That “anti-Semite” excuse is so old that it makes the word “cliche” sound brand new.

  7. One of my favorite Floyd songs is…
    “Keep Talking”.
    “The Division Bell” album.
    I think Stephen Hawking does a cameo on the tracks.

      1. Thanks… I didn’t even know they had a video for it ….
        Cause of my shtty smart phone I can’t watch it.
        Eventually I’m going to get a sattelite dish.
        I heard today that ATT and Verizon had a major outage yesterday that the mainstream media did not report. Yesterday my cell service was just horrible.
        I even noticed it.
        Cause it was the worst so far and I had to keep rebooting my dumbphone all day.
        Anyway thanks… I love that song.
        Like Henry and JD.
        “Keep Talking”!

  8. Oh, yes, pink floyd. And just when i think i’ve heard all their material… I haven’t 🙂
    I always seem to discover mooorrree somewhere on the far reaches of the internet 🙂


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