Rudolf Steiner on the Effects of Radiant Electricity and Electromagnetic Technology

Our Spirit

In our continued efforts to bring to light the real effects of electricity and electromagneticism from Rudolf Steiner’s perspective, we present these selections from his work concerning electricity and its connection with human spiritual development. The compendium below is an offering to help frame the nature of electricity in relation to spiritual science and was sent to us by a friend as a contribution to the conversation.  Our thanks go out to him and we hope the reader will find these indications as powerful as we did. 

The Evil, Demonic Nature of Electricity

GA 152 – “… we lack the courage to truly grasp the world with our souls. . . . Morality has no living place in our world; it is only an abstraction. . . . we have no capacity to see that the foundation we lay today through our moral impulses becomes the basis for moral consequences in the future. . . .

. . . We have no real idea of how a new planet can grow out of our decadent, decaying earth; nor do we understand that the new earth will develop out of the impulses humanity is developing today. Today we lack the courage to think, to envision that moral impulses are the seeds for the world of the future. . .

. . . Now we shall look at the other side of the natural order. Across from the moral order stands the natural order, which has brought about our awe-inspiring modern natural science. . . .  [The discovery of electricity] happened less than 150 years ago. And now electricity is a central ingredient of modern civilization. . . . It had not yet occurred to anyone that an atom would be described as an electron, as if it were an entity that consists entirely of electricity. But the latter is what is taught in schools today. . .

. . . The extent to which human thinking has become saturated with electricity is a fairly recent development. Now we speak about atoms as if they were tiny suns surrounded by orbiting electrons. When we look around us at the forces within the universe, we presume that electricity is everywhere. This permeates our entire culture, including our manner of thinking. If we did not ride trains so frequently, we might not have associated atoms so quickly with electricity. . . .

Read the rest here:

2 thoughts on “Rudolf Steiner on the Effects of Radiant Electricity and Electromagnetic Technology

  1. ‘…The effect of the radiant electricity on the people living in the midst of it will be that they will no longer be able to comprehend the news that is transmitted so quickly. Electricity gradually wipes our comprehension. This effect is already noticeable today; you can already see that people have a harder time comprehending things that come toward them than they did a few decades ago It is a hopeful sign that at least in America some insight into these things is evident. . . .’

    A bit long but an awesome read

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