Since the start of the global genetic injection campaign in 2021, media reports detailing the “sudden deaths” of athletes have gradually become part of the new normal.
It’s a worldwide phenomenon—and Russia is no exception, according to #HowManyMustDie, a collaborative project launched by STOPVACZISM, STOPPANIKA, and Anna Rudneva’s “Raising Awareness” channel.
On April 3, the group published a list of young Russian athletes who had “died suddenly”:
Many are very young—18, 19, 21 years old. In some cases, the press openly wrote that the deceased were “vaccinated,” and suspected a causal relationship between vaccination and death. In many cases, there is no information about “vaccination”, but it is known that almost all professions were subjected to coercion, and athletes also needed it to travel abroad.
Without more information (which the Russian Health Ministry refuses to provide, because, in their own words, transparency may “cause a negative attitude towards vaccination”), none of the listed cases could be described as conclusive. But several are extremely difficult to dismiss.
Victor Plahuta, a 35-year-old powerlifter, was hospitalized on October 28, 2021—eight days after getting “vaccinated”. He died a week later, purportedly of pneumonia.

Grigory Malyarenko, 22, a hurdler and member of Russia’s national team, died during a training session on May 24, 2021. Local media reported he perished from a blood clot that may have formed from a previous “coronavirus infection”.
A month later, a blood clot took the life of 30-year-old Maxim Ishkeldin, a member of Russia’s national hockey team.
“The athlete died almost instantly,” Russian media reported.

Professional footballer Alexander Kozlov, 29, died suddenly from a blood clot in July 2022.
Other young athletes have fallen victim to sudden heart attacks over the past two years.
Of course, lots of things can cause blood clots and heart problems—including Sputnik V.
Post-vaccination data published by Argentina shows Russia’s “flagship vaccine” is comparable to AstraZeneca’s injection in terms of safety.
This is not very surprising if you are aware of the close collaboration between the Russian government and the British-Swedish pharma giant.

Is this why the Russian Health Ministry classified Sputnik V’s clinical trial results, claiming the data was a “trade secret”? (Maybe!)

Meanwhile, “sudden deaths” continue in Russia—and they aren’t limited to athletes.
On April 1, STOPPANIKA, a website that maintains an interactive map of suspected vaccine-related injuries, compiled recent news reports about Russians who had “died suddenly”:
This is just a small fraction of the cases in recent days. [But] information is not entered into the map unless there is confirmation that an injection was made. […]
People are dying absurd, senseless deaths—and no one has yet been held accountable …
Russia recorded a natural population decline of more than 1 million people in 2021—a loss of life that surpasses even the darkest years of the 90s.
The government’s response?
That’s a trade secret.

I hope all the Putin-heads are pleased with what Vlad has done for his people.