Russian Ambassador Intends to Drive Through Kabul With Taliban to Make Sure City is Safe


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov said he intended to travel with representatives of the Taliban movement* through Kabul to make sure that the city is safe.

“I want to take a drive around the city with the Taliban and just see with my own eyes and make sure … is it really calm,” Zhirnov said on the air of the Ekho Moskvy broadcaster.

Taliban representatives said that it would be possible to choose “any route,” he added.

Zhirnov also said that Talibs immediately guaranteed amnesty to all the security forces, all servicemen. “No witch hunt, no purges,” the ambassador added.

He added that the Taliban also ensured that “not a single hair” would fall from the head of Russian diplomats.

“Tomorrow I will have a meeting with high-ranking Taliban officials, who coordinate security issues in the city, and not only in the city. I will work out with the all the security issues of the embassy in detail, according to the list, and so that the staff here work and live well. Plus, in addition to the embassy, we also have the Russian Center for Science and Culture, it also needs to be protected and guarded,” the ambassador said on the air of Ekho Moskvy broadcaster.

The Taliban are guarding the Russian embassy in Kabul with armored vehicles and machine guns, Zhirnov said.

“A brigade empowered by high-ranking officials, it came to us today, led by their senior. He confirmed all the directives to ensure the safety of the diplomatic mission. They are standing around the clock, there is an armored vehicle with machine guns, everything is fine,” he said.

* The Taliban is a terrorist organisation banned in Russia and many other countries

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