Russian Jets Carried Out 82 Sorties, Hit 204 Terrorist Targets in Syria


Russian warplanes have carried out 82 sorties and hit 204 terrorist targets in Syria in past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.  

“In the last 24 hours, Russian jets conducted 82 sorties against 204 terrorist targets in Syria, located in the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama and Homs. Furthermore, 32 of the sorties were conducted at night,” the ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

The airstrikes involved Su-24M, Su-25SM and Su-34 strike aircraft carrying out missions with escort by Su-30 Flanker-C fighter jets.

After the combat missions all aircraft have safely returned to the Hmeymim airbase, the spokesman added.

Since September 30, Russia has been conducting an aerial campaign in Syria against the Islamic State (ISIL, or Daesh in Arabic) extremist group, which is outlawed in Russia, following a request from President Bashar Assad.

A Russian Kilo-class submarine Rostov-on-Don located in the Mediterranean Sea launched a salvo of the Kalibr cruise missiles targeting terrorist positions, Konashenkov told journalists.

“For the first time ever, the Rostov-on-Don submarine launched a salvo of Kalibr cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea while submerged. The distinct characteristic of this launch was the fact that the missile salvo was fired from underwater via the torpedo tubes,” he said.

Therefore, the Daesh infrastructure in Syria was dealt a heavy blow by a massive strike launched by Russian forces employing precision-guided munitions. During the strike Russian warplanes also used KAB-500 guided bombs, wiping out important assets of the terrorist groups.

Russian Kilo-class Rostov-on-Don submarine, deployed in the Mediterranean Sea, fired on Tuesday Kalibr cruise missiles targeting Islamic State (Daesh in Arabic) positions in Syria.

3 thoughts on “Russian Jets Carried Out 82 Sorties, Hit 204 Terrorist Targets in Syria

  1. Our military will “back down” from no one when the rubber meets the road. They have all taken an oath, let’s hope they uphold it. I firmly believe they will be with us, defending the Bill of Rights and Constitution. I’m confident that J.D. would agree, and, if not, I’m sure he’ll let me know!

    82 sorties hitting 204 targets!!! U.S. Military Experts remain unrebuffed. “Huh, just lucky shootin’ that day!”

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