One thought on “Rutger Bregman was once invited to The WEF in Davos. After calling out their hypocrisy he was not invited again. See a pattern here?

  1. He said: “Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash.”
    — Rutger Bregman

    Yes, right, in most cases. And on the other side of the coin, Bregman’s bio reveals he’s all in for UBI and open borders:

    “The major themes of Bregman’s works include universal basic income, the workweek, and open borders. Bregman approvingly cites a 1968 US proposal for a guaranteed minimum income, put forward by President Richard Nixon, among others.”

    Sometimes communism has such a kind face, and handsome. It can articulate in such a way to convince you that you’ll be so much better off if you just rely on the state, the state which can giveth, and the state which can also taketh away.

    (Aside: Nixon was for UBI?!! Shocking!! — Ha!! Left and Right often share the same bed.)


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