Senate to Return Next Week to Work on Border Deal to Get Ukraine Aid

By Dave DeCamp –

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has decided to keep senators in town next week to continue negotiations on a border deal that will unlock a massive $111 billion spending package that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

The Senate’s holiday recess was set to start on Friday, but Schumer is delaying as he says negotiations are progressing. “The Senate will return Monday. That will give negotiators from the White House, Senate Democrats, and Senate Republicans a time to work through the weekend in an effort to reach a framework agreement,” Schumer said.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) decided to adjourn his chamber for the holidays, meaning if the Senate does reach a deal, the bill can’t be finalized until after the new year. Johnson said the House “will not wait around to receive and debate a rushed product.”

Schumer vowed there would still be a vote on the military aid package next week. “No matter what, members should be aware that we will vote on a supplemental proposal next week,” he said.

Republicans are looking for significant changes to immigration laws to make it harder for migrants to enter the country, and there are signs that President Biden is willing to give them what they want to secure the over $60 billion he wants to fund the proxy war in Ukraine for another year.

CBS News reported that the White House indicated to Congress that it would support new immigration restrictions, including giving border officials the authority to expel migrants without processing their asylum claims and a dramatic expansion of deportations and detentions.

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