Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

Published on Sep 5, 2013 – by TheAlexJonesChannel

Sen Lindsey Graham has warned of a nuclear strike in S Carolina following the report by Alex Jones and Anthony Gucciardi about low key nuke transfer from Texas to South Carolina.…
Exclusive: High Level Source Confirms Secret US Nuclear Warhead Transfer

8 thoughts on “Senator Warns of S. Carolina Nuke Strike

  1. The first thing i thought of when seeing the title of this article was the report of nukes supposedly being transferred to s. carolina.

    Planning a false flag?


  2. I say its a BS false flag hype to make folks panic.

    I live in S.C. and can assure you we wont be Nuked over some “Transfer”. Here in the state we have several Nuclear Facilities , Several KEY, High visibility, military bases a highly strategic Port and shipping facility with a Navy base and shipyard(Charleston) and in Augusta we have the “Bomb Plant” its a Nuclear weapons manufacturing Facility thats been around since way back in the cold war. Its still making bombs!!
    So Lindsay Graham is correct we may be under threat,…but not due to what he claims…..our threat is because fools and Zio log-lickers like him run our nation.

    1. The money junkies and war mongers are ready to do anything that is necessary to get what they want and WAR is the AGENDA. They have done it before and will again.

  3. Assuming the story is true, it seems to be an anomaly to have moved the weapons by truck for that distance. Lots of opportunities for them to go missing. On the other hand, they move them without incident by truck in other situations.

    My question is whether they used the usual Special Ops staff on the trucks and if they used the special nuke-transporting vehicles. From what I understand, those trucks are designed to harden against any potential threat.

    The Air Force is in charge of nuclear weapons and, barring some nefarious plot making it easy to hijack the weapons, would have transferred them by air. Once hijacked, they can go anywhere.

    There allegedly is no paper trail for these weapons or for their transfer and the base commander should have refused the orders. I’d like to know who issued them. The entire chain of command responsible for this undocumented move should be court martialed.

  4. I trust AJ about as much as I do AIPAC. So my instinct tells me if the bath house boy Graham says “Look over here to my right hand”, I’d be looking in the opposite direction to see what the left hand is doing. Just like “Boa Boy” Dennis Rodman going to North Korea-all diversion. I trust ABSOLUTELY nothing that comes from the MSM or the government. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And remember, AJ has ties to Stratfor right there in Austin-a double agent??

  5. They’re determined to attack Syria because it’s part of a bigger plan, but since they’re getting so much resistance to the idea, they might have to go nuclear to convince the people to go along.

    If a nuke explodes anywhere in the U.S.A., we’ll know who’s responsible, and in my opinion, the time for discussion should cease immediately, and instead we should see it as our marching orders.

  6. False flag attacks are considered when they need to scare us, two recent cases:

    Sandy Hook: google [ dhs + dmort V + hseep + crisis actors + vision box ]

    Boston: google [ dhs + margie sullivan + redtree + vogt + dunning ]

    Future nuke? [ pelindaba + obama + cameron + zuma + blatchford + kelly ]

    There is a huge threat to America, Barry Soetoro, Punahou ’79, google him and then impeach him. Field McConnell, American

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