She Who Must Not Be Named: Seattle Museum Scrubs Author JK Rowling From Harry Potter Display

By Margaret Flavin – The Gateway Pundit

Seattle’s Museum of Pop Culture is apparently triggered by free speech.  The museum has removed all references to novelist J.K. Rowling in a Harry Potter display, calling the author “transphobic” for believing biological sex is real.

To date, more than 500 million copies of the Potter series have been sold worldwide but yes, let’s pretend the author does not exist.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on the transgender community and their allies directing their rage Rowling for the sin of expressing her personal opinions on transgender issues.

She took a public stand supporting researcher Maya Forstater after Forstater was let go from her job for making comments labeled as “transphobic.” Social Justice Warrior’s branded Rowling a “TERF,” which stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” for doing so.

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