Sheriff’s deputy tests negative for Ebola

Your Houston News

The Texas Department of State Health Services has completed testing of the specimen submitted Thursday by Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. The result is negative for Ebola.

The test was to evaluate the case of a sheriff’s deputy who sought medical care yesterday.

The deputy, who does not have a fever and is doing better, had been briefly inside the apartment of a man who later died of Ebola. The Ebola patient had already been hospitalized so the deputy did not have direct contact with him. All known cases of Ebola have occurred through direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids or exposure to contaminated objects, such as needles.  

An Ebola test will return a negative result until a person has enough virus in their system to be detected, and that may not occur until after symptoms have been present for at least a day.

Ebola is not contagious until symptoms appear, which can occur two to 21 days after exposure. Early symptoms include fever, headache, abdominal pain and weakness.

5 thoughts on “Sheriff’s deputy tests negative for Ebola

  1. ‘All known cases of Ebola have occurred through direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids or exposure to contaminated objects, such as needles.”

    I thought they said you couldn’t get exposed by bodily fluids? I’m confused.

  2. The America ebola cases seem to be an off again on again confusion. What I think may be happening is a cry-wolf scenario. Most if not all the ebola cases here are fake, but the fear-news is pushed. People begin to let up their guard because it will seem as if nothing is really happening regarding a terrifying pandemic. The shopping season goes well, the system rakes in all the money. A week or two before Christmas the ebola virus gets released among the throngs of shoppers. Mid-January, the symptoms appear and it is the real thing. The evidence I’m relying on is the hermetically sealed coffins. If the powers were simply going to shoot everyone up with their billions of hollow points, these types of coffins wouldn’t be needed. There are huge numbers of these well documented coffins so huge numbers of deaths are expected. So I am expecting the ebola virus semi-hoax to go live sometime toward the end of January.
    Another point I heard on X22 is that infectious disease protocols were not followed when handling these ebola patients. The most lethal virus on Earth, the deadliest virus ever contemplated (sic), is handled like kids making playdough patties. Protocols are used to guarentee, not just ensure, that the desired results are obtained without any possible mishap. Therefore it is not due to incompetence that the infectious disease protocols are not being followed but they are intentionally not followed by the military, CDC, hospitals, etc. who know that they should be in place. The ebola scare is either a hoax or real (not government fubar) and my guess is it’s both. It’s a hoax during the holiday season, and after the holidays it becomes real.

  3. WTH…does “NOT” have a fever and is doing better? Doing better from what then? Why is he there……

    “The deputy, who does not have a fever and is doing better, had been briefly inside the apartment of a man who later died of Ebola”

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