Sikh Temple Shooter – Revealed as FAKE – The Secret Truth

Published on Dec 29, 2013 by livingonplanetZ

Sikh Temple Shooter – Revealed as FAKE – The Secret Truth

Investigation into the fake story and real background of the supposed “Sikh Temple Shooter”, Wade Michael Page. The government run media did very little investigation into who Page really was, or whether the government press releases were true. Unverified information propagated through the media echo chamber, as has been usual in the past.

Here you will see unfiltered documentation about the history of Page. You will see how this information fits neatly into a framework of past fakes. This lays a froundation for further revelations and discovery about the Sikh Temple shooting, and related events.

See “The Fake Death Industry” on YouTube and other sites for more information on how death can be faked by criminals within government structures. See “Navy Yard Investigation Leads to the Truth About Stockton” for background on the possible connection between the Arapahoe “shooting”, and the supposed Stockton school shooting in California.

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