5 thoughts on “Talmud and its darkside of secrets

  1. And these people we are sending billions to their Communist stronghold in the Mid east? These are the people who run all the financial institutions/Insurance corporations, control all levels of government, and partnered with the Hansa League as their pillagers and mass murdering henchmen? What in tarnation are we doing putting up with them? If we let them have their way they will kill most of us GOY.

    Mark Koernke, Henry Shively I think are absolutely right. I bailed from AJ and GCN when I started hearing strange things like speaking out against militias and forming them. Many have relatives who saw what happened after the war in Germany. We are dealing with pure evil and a religion/political apparatus as bad or worse than Islam. They murdered over 60 million Christian Europeans in the 20th century. Enough! Its good not to go looking for a fight, but when it eventually does come its best to be read for it and positioned to win decisively. You won’t get that from GCN network. Microeffect you will.

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