Six Months On, And Still No Sandy Hook Report?

State Police Lt. Paul Vance addresses a horde of news people a day after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.Hartford Courant

Newtown massacre: Still no report

Who made the state police king? Why do they continue to drag their feet in releasing a final report on the investigation into the devastating Dec. 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Who gave that agency the authority to decide what the public should know and when they should know it?  

Last March, peeved because high-ranking state police officers attending law enforcement conferences were leaking details from the massacre investigation that had not been made public, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy demanded an interim report on the status of the probe. The investigators complied, while stating that a final report on the heinous crime would not be finished until mid-June — at the earliest.

Now we are told by the state police that a final investigative report on Sandy Hook won’t be ready until the end of September, more than nine months after the crime was committed.

“Nobody ever said that we had to have it done by a certain time,” said the usually professional department spokesman, Lt. J. Paul Vance.

The “hide-the-information” game being played by the police and other state officials is ridiculous. The only suspect in this crime — shooter Adam Lanza, who killed 20 first-graders, six female educators, his mother and himself — is dead. It’s almost certain there won’t be another arrest. The police have little to no excuse for dragging this out.

Mr. Malloy, who was helpful in squeezing a status report out of prosecutors in March, is of no help now. He is siding with the secret-keepers.

Indeed, The Courant discovered that his staff worked behind closed doors, contrary to usual procedure, with legislative leaders and the chief state’s attorney’s office to prepare legislation that would keep a broad swath of normally available information about Sandy Hook secret forever unless relatives of victims ask for its release.

The bill hasn’t been voted on, and leading lawmakers won’t say whether or when it will be.

The penchant for secrecy displayed by the state police, the governor and legislative leaders is deeply troubling. It’s obvious they don’t trust the public.

11 thoughts on “Six Months On, And Still No Sandy Hook Report?

  1. Isn’ it strange that these major news stories (don’t forget the Boston Bombings) all get put on the “back burner to oblivion”? When the hard questions get asked, another terror attack occurs to bump the other scandal off the headlines. At this point, when tptb make a big announcement about a controversial subject, you can bet your last worthless dollar that something else is floating under the radar.

    1. And when they are temporarily between false flags (how inconvenient for them), we get to read/hear about some TRULY earth-shattering news………………..

      Angelina’s boobies (or soon to be lack thereof).

      How’s THAT for a banana in the tailpipe?

  2. Sandy hoax was full of conflicting reports. When will you get the final word? Probably in the same amount of time it takes to clear Gitmo.

  3. When do we ever get a truthful report on any thing any more? That can be answered with one word,NEVER! The traitors that run the scenes we see are all corrupt at every level and still people want to pretend that they aren’t.Well wishing and hoping don’t change the fact that they are.

  4. “We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order.”

    – David Rockefeller

    (world-wide markets crashing leading to new international monetary system, and more to come…)

    “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws. ”

    – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    “We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent”

    – James Warburg, Council on Foreign Relations

    “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” – “It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.” – “No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

    – James Madison

    “The American Republic is in remnant status. The stage is set for our country to devolve into a military dictatorship, and few seem to care.”

    – Ron Paul

  5. They are probably not releasing the information because there is no way the truth comes close to the official story. At least they could tell us how Adam Lanza got through the new security system when he was carrying a virtual arsenal on his body–what was it–3 or 4 guns and all those rounds of ammunition. And either they buzzed him in, which makes someone in the school complicit or he shot his way in through the shatter proof netted glass. The problem is that still someone would have seen him or heard him shooting and then they could have called the police and gotten the children behind closed doors. I mean the breaking through the glass must have taken quite a bit of time and been noisy. Also, Adam Lanza only weighed 120 pounds and he had been living like a recluse in a basement for what was it…two years. He couldn’t have been physically fit to carry all that gear and then kill all those people like Rambo in something like 10 minutes and no one resisted. It’s all so illogical I would really love to have an explanation.

    1. Uh, guys? The jury’s still out on that one. Not only had Lanza not been seen by his friends in about three years, but had left no digital fingerprint on the internet for that same amount of time. In all likelihood, he was probably dead already. No corpus delecti, so where’s the proof that he was even there?

      On the other hand we saw tons of photos of those dead children.

      No, wait. Not one of us here has seen one single photo of one single dead child, or teacher either, for that matter. Or a bullet-riddled classroom, or hallway, etc. Interesting that all the bodies were (allegedly) removed at night, under cover of darkness. Also interesting that all the funerals were closed casket.

      This was a totally staged production from start to finish.

      But FAR from Oscar worthy.

  6. It’s just done to spare the feeling of the families!

    Check up Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania.

  7. Don’t hold your breath on ever getting any truthful public statement regarding any “terrorist attack”. I was blue in the face for a long time after November 22, 1963 and I finally had to let go and take a new breath with new realization. Our government has been hijacked by corporate thugs bent on squeezing that last penny from all of us. As stated in the Book of Carlin, “I don’t believe anything the government tells me, nothing, nadda.”

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