‘Smoking Gun’ Documents Prove White House Censorship Campaign to Ban Books on Amazon

By Kyle Becker – Trending Political News

The White House has once again been exposed for violating the First Amendment rights of Americans.

The Biden administration isn’t guilty of digital or social media censorship in this case, but banning books.

House Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, revealed the disturbing case of the Biden administration’s unconstitutional activity in a thread on the social media platform X.

THE AMAZON FILES – “feeling pressure from the White House”

Internal docs subpoenaed by @JudiciaryGOP & @Weaponization indicate that @amazon bowed down to Biden White House pressure to censor BOOKS.

Never-before-released internal emails subpoenaed by @JudiciaryGOP reveal that the Biden White House pressured Amazon to censor books that expressed views the White House did not approve of.

“Is the [Biden] Admin asking us to remove books”?

Andy Slavitt—the senior Biden White House official who demanded that Facebook censor a meme and true information—was pressuring Amazon at the same time.

On March 2, 2021, Slavitt fired off an email demanding to know who he and his White House colleagues could talk to at the company about “the high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation of [sic] Amazon?”

How did the Biden White House conclude that there was “propaganda and misinformation” in books sold in Amazon’s bookstore?

The White House ran keyword searches for controversial topics, such as “vaccine,” and emailed Amazon when it didn’t like how the search results appeared:

Initially, Amazon decided to hold off on “doing a manual intervention” to censor books.

Why? Not out of any commitment to free speech, but because doing so would be “too visible” to the American public and likely to spur criticism from conservative media.

Why was the Biden White House so upset with Amazon?

Because Amazon believed “retailers are different than social media communities” & provided their “customers with access to a variety of viewpoints.”

For the Biden Admin, letting Americans think for themselves was unacceptable.

A week later, on March 9, 2021, Amazon met with the White House.

Internal Amazon documents reveal Amazon’s “top talking points” going into the meeting.

One of the key questions was whether the Biden White House wanted books banned or just buried deep in the search results:

So how did Amazon’s meeting with the Biden White House go?

On March 2, 2021, Amazon determined internally that it would “not be doing a manual intervention today.”

The online bookstore set a meeting with senior Biden White House officials for March 9, 2021.

What was the purpose of this meeting with the Biden White House?

To see if “the Admin is asking us to remove books, or are they more concerned about search results/order (or both)?”

Why did Amazon agree to take this meeting? Because they were “feeling pressure from the White House”

After the White House spent a week berating Amazon, what did the online bookstore do?

Starting March 9—the same day as its meeting with the White House—Amazon enabled “Do Not Promote” for books that expressed the view that vaccines were not effective.

And that wasn’t all. Amazon also considered other ways “to reduce the visibility” of certain books that the Biden White House disliked.

That’s right.

Amazon caved to the pressure from the Biden White House to censor speech.

@JudiciaryGOP and @Weaponization are investigating.

Andrew Slavitt, a senior health officer who was on President Joe Biden’s coronavirus response team, was set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on January 31.

But the former COVID-19 senior adviser was forced to defy a congressional subpoena last week after the White House advised him not to comply due to worries about his attendance.

“To protect the constitutional separation of powers and the institutional interests of the White House, I write to inform you that the White House does not authorize Mr. Slavitt to appear at the Committee’s scheduled deposition,” White House counsel Richard Sauber wrote to Slavitt’s attorney one day before the scheduled deposition.

The White House thus cares about the constitutional “separation of powers,” but not Americans’ First Amendment Rights.

During normal times, this would be considered a massive scandal and frontpage news.

Under the Biden presidency, however, it is another day, another scandal for this lawless administration.

2 thoughts on “‘Smoking Gun’ Documents Prove White House Censorship Campaign to Ban Books on Amazon

  1. “The world can become free of the barbarous relic called the state. The state is a dangerous fiction whose power rests entirely on people’s belief in its necessity, or inevitability. Belief in the state is not insurmountable. It is not hard-wired into the human mind. It is not a given that a state must or will always exist. The state, like so many other superstitions now thought to be outrageous, inhumane and inefficient, can be left in the ash heap of history.”
    — Isaac Morehouse


  2. Funny how they wouldn’t ban the pornography in the elementary schools, but they’ll black out anything that goes against their program.

    In the sixties there was a button that read: “I read banned books.” Okay, cool, good. But we won’t be able to read them if they’re no longer around. If you wanna read whatever you wanna read, you better be fighting the tyranny, or pretty soon there will only be one book to read: THE BOOK OF STATE, you know, the one that directs EVERY aspect of your being.



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