7 thoughts on “Snowden Official Trailer #1 (2016) – Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley

  1. Another opus created by joos. Character, story line, plot, production and sales all brought to you by them. This is tantamount to schindler’s list, boy in the striped pj’s etc. and every other fictional bs story brought to US by the same filthy bunch.

    1. Agreed. Not watchin it.
      This should put any doubts to rest about AGENT Snowden.
      The Jew/CIA/Hollywood propaganda machine just made a movie about him.

      1. Levitt is an Ashkenazi Jew playing the part of someone who is supposed to be a traitor to the US.
        (Jews playing the “victim” character again.)

        And people are supposed to believe Snowden is on the People’s side? Give me a break. Snowden is a Jew manufactured controlled opposition. It wouldn’t surprise me if his real name is Edward Snowdenstein.

  2. I still don’t understand why so many of you guys think Snowden is fake. Is it possible? Sure. But I see no good reason to jump to that conclusion.

    I respectfully submit that if we call “BS!” every time someone does something heroic for the cause of freedom, we risk discouraging those who might otherwise follow in those heroes’ footsteps.

    Here are some reasons why I think Snowden is the real deal:

    First, the information he’s said to have leaked (available at The Intercept and elsewhere) looks convincing on a technical level. I’m aware of no computer scientists or computer security experts who have pointed out any implausible or impossible info in those leaks, and I seriously doubt that ALL computer gurus around the world are in cahoots with the US government.

    Second, the leaked material corroborates in detail what previous whistleblowers, such as William Binney, have warned Americans about in general terms. Are all those other whistleblowers in on the scam, too? Because I don’t hear any of them calling BS on Snowden’s revelations.

    Furthermore, if this Snowden business is in fact fake, then the US government really shot itself in the foot by concocting the whole story. I can think of few if any news stories that did more to wake up people around the world to the evil and hypocrisy of the US government. Now every time a US official complains about China, Russia, or whomever, hacking US government computers, the accused country can simply reply with, “Look who’s talking.”

    Many US citizens, too, have had the wool lifted from their eyes. No one with a brain thinks the Bill of Rights or the rule of law is intact within the US anymore. Everyone saw James Clapper lie through his teeth to Congress and go unpunished, even after Snowden’s revelations PROVED that Clapper committed perjury.

    US government propagandists go out of their way to maintain the myth that America is this great and honorable country that’s dedicated to freedom and human rights, and where government serves rather than rules the people. Why would those propagandists create a narrative that so blatantly counteracts that fundamental message?

    If the purpose of concocting the Snowden story was to frighten people into self-censorship, it obviously hasn’t worked. People are as outspoken as ever on the Web. What people HAVE started doing is take more care with their digital privacy. More people are covering their webcams, using search engines like Ixquick and DuckDuckGo instead of Google, and using encrypted email services. Though it’s unlikely that such measures can ever provide perfect privacy on the Web, they certainly make mass surveillance more difficult when enough people use them.

    I’m going to continue to regard Snowden as one of the greatest heroes in US history until I see some real evidence or convincing arguments to the contrary.

    1. Hi BMF:

      You are entitled to believe as you wish.

      As far as Snow-job,… he is a con, a fake, a fraud, created by the Zionist scum running this country, and nothing more.

      Here are just a few “tells”:

      1 – He was nothing but a low level analyst – there is absolutely no way they are going to allow him to access some of the agencies most sensitive information. IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

      2 – If he did try and access restricted information for his security level, he would have set alarms off across the board, and been arrested, or least held within the hour.

      3 – Notice how NONE of his “revelations” exposes any of the millions of crimes being committed by the Zionist-jews every day! (This is a actually a big indicator of who he actually works for…)

      4 – Notice how none of his “leaks” contains anything incrementing about Israel! Especially about there nuclear weapons, which should be a top priority of information and concern for any intelligence agency.

      5 – Notice how none of his “leaks” talk about the main method of revenue creation for the CIA,.. which is,… the CIA IS the worlds largest narcotics dealer in human history, without even a close second!

      6 – Notice how his leaks did NOT expose the International Communists favorite pets here in the USA!,.. the Clintons,.. and there international money flows (by the BILLIONS) into the Clinton Foundation. Notice also, how he does not provide any list of who the donors are, how much they gave, and from what countries was the money sent!

      7 – Remember how when Snow-job as first on the run,… and the CIA JUST COULD NOT find him! EVERYONE else could find him,… as he was giving interviews and reports and updates about his “escape”,… but NOT the CIA,… even though they had an office just down the street from where he was when he was “holed up” in Hong Kong.

      This is just to name a few of the tell-tale indicators where many exist.

      Yes, Snow-job is nothing but a con-job,…. a distraction.

      When he starts providing classified info about the Israelis, their nuclear weapons, the CIA Drug Trade, the Clintons and their international terrorism, THEN,.. then MAYBE I might start think he is actually releasing classified and incriminating information,…. but until that happens (which it will not),… he is nothing more than another theater prop.

      JD – US Marines – This reflects what I was talking about yesterday,…. all it takes is just a little “Critical Thinking” to figure out if something is possibly real or not,.. in this case,… Snow-job is a,.. well,….. a snow-job.


    2. Ah yes. Snowden, who once compared himself to Daniel Ellsberg, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations for 44 years until he was outed & removed his name. Whistleblower my ass. Ellsberg even comes out in praise of Snowden.
      And funny how Snowden can do tv interviews from Russia with the likes of Brian Williams & John Oliver. Because we know the MSM is working on our behalf and would never lie to us.
      Finally, a photograph of Snowden going about his day to day life in Russia would be worth a lot of money. Unfortunately, no one in Russia seems to have phones or cameras. It reminds me of Tom Hanks’ narrating that documentary on 9-11s boat lift. One of the largest boat rescues in American history with a million people brought to safety, but none of those million people thought the incident was worth photographing. That documentary was financed by a member of the Council on Foreign Relations….
      Snowden is most likely just another crisis actor. And not a very convincing one.

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