Socialist Unity at the Top Fails to Divide the American People

Since the beginning of the 2012 Campaign for the presidential election, the mainstream propaganda machine has spared no effort in their attempt to divide we the people, using every method proven effective over the past fifty years.  They have tried to turn us against one another through race, gender, religion, and our beliefs in reference to social issues like abortion and gay rights.

The culmination for the attempt to divide has been put forth via the unconstitutional and treasonous Supreme Court ruling on health care, which in reality is an implementation of corporate socialism, wherein the health care industry has acquired the illusion of the authority to directly tax we the American people.  The mainstream propagandists are moving forward in stating there is now a clear difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and that there is now a clear divide among we the people.

Not so.  The socialists that support this treasonous act are and have been socialists all along the way. And like it or not, their numbers have been diminishing right down the line, as many Americans have been discovering that they have unknowingly been supporting socialism, in simply not realizing the treason national and soviet socialism represent.

Many have found their way back to our Constitution and are enraged in finding out that they have been deceived by the two major parties, which have turned out to be one party working to bring down our Republic, destroy our Constitution, and bring us into the new world order devoid of our freedoms, liberty, and sovereignty.

The attempts by the elitist owned media to sell the idea of American collectivism through socialism as a fait accompli began to witness failure when the May Day Protests were boycotted by all but the hardcore socialists.  Their numbers were pathetic and the contempt for them by the rest of us shined.

And on and on as the socialists, both national (neo-con Republiscums) and soviet (Demorats), have been forced to reveal themselves through their actions.  Now we have had the ultimate affirmation as the neo-con national socialist Chief Justice Roberts joined with his soviet socialists brethren and sisteren, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, in affirming the fact that conservatism and liberalism, hence the false left-right paradigm, have all along been nothing more than ploys to divide we the people and have us force socialism upon one another from two different angles.

Now they think they have us divided with no choice other than Leon Trotsky/Romney and a Cheka police state to inflict the tyranny or Joseph Stalin/Obama and a KGB police state to inflict the tyranny.

No sale.  We reject socialism as the collectivism it represents nullifies the individual freedoms and liberties contained in our Bill of Rights.  It is treasonous and this is an insurgency.  We the people, using our overwhelming numbers and the fact that we are armed to the teeth will reinstate our Republic under our Constitution and drive every member of the socialist insurgency into the sea.  They have done their worst and still we stand united.

They will now attempt to convince us that there is no way we can defeat the great UN army, just like their predecessors tried to convince our founding fathers they could not defeat the greatest army on the planet at the time, the British.  In the end we will decimate them, as we are fighting for our land, upon our land, just as our forefathers did.

There is no doubt that we are going to have to destroy foreign armies from without, and this we will do.  But when it comes to the traitors from within, we must levy upon them such a vicious and brutal punishment as to deter any future notions of insurgency within the United States for at least a hundred years.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

23 thoughts on “Socialist Unity at the Top Fails to Divide the American People

  1. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) defeated British 200 year rule in Northern Ireland with the slogan ‘An Armalite in one hand and a Ballot paper in the other’

    It was a long and bitter road.

    It is important to understand the enemy and choose the right tools.

    Ultimately the people must decide.

  2. Hello Mr. Shively,

    I visit your website frequently and, for the most part, concur with the sentiments expressed therein. But not this time, as the central premise set forth in this essay — i.e., that the American government adheres to a socialist schematic — is well off the mark. When the public is compelled, as are we today, to underwrite losses incurred by incompetent and/or criminal private sector entities, viz. the Wall Street bailouts and is, additionally, ruled behind the scenes by a militarist junta, what we find ourselves confronted with isn’t socialism, it is fascism. The Federal apparatus, as currently configured, bears a far greater resemblance to Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany than to Mao’s China or Trotsky’s Russia. America has been a military despotism for three generations.

    And while I support our withdrawal from the United Nations, not for a minute might I endorse the illusion that the UN holds any sway whatsoever over the Federal government — simply put, the UN is as much a Pentagon puppet as, say NATO, and functions in the selfsame capacity, i.e., as a stalking horse subject to the whims of the refractory generalissimos who have, by diktat, defined American priorities at home, and about the globe, since the late 1930s.

    If we truly seek the restoration of accountable government, then we must A) put an end to the contagion of government secrecy — all government secrecy; the only force more contagious than secrecy is transparency! and B) downsize significantly the scope and dimensions of government, that is to say align ourselves, by both word and deed, with one or another of the emerging secessionist movements, as our very survival is contingent upon the abolition of a government gone rogue.

    The above thoughts are expanded upon in a recent essay penned by this writer —

    Thank you for providing me with a forum to sound off.

    Cheers, JQP

    1. So where do you think fascism comes from? That would be national socialism as in the Nazis.
      With the implementation of Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA, the no Trespass Legislation, and the Emergency Resources Act Executive Order, we are at present seeing a mirror image of the precursor to Trotsky’s and Stalin’s 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Trotsky wanted a national socialist style government like that in Germany, wherein there was a single dictator. Stalin opted for committee socialism, wherein the dictatorial powers resided in the soviet/committee which was controlled by a single dictator. I do believe, considering the creation of the SuperCommittee that is intended to replace our Congress, we are seeing the latter.
      At any rate, tyranny from any quarter is unacceptable. And by the way, this new corporate tax upon we the people by the corporations in league with the government does look more like national socialism than soviet socialism. But the bottom line is, it is all socialism and eventually socialism leads to a fascist military dictatorship.

      1. Hello Mr. Shivley,

        “At any rate, tyranny from any quarter is unacceptable.” I totally agree with you!

        I concur too, with your assertion that the distinctions between fascism and socialism do tend to blur, and that both are repugnant..

        However, I do believe that the Fascist weltanschuung, being more theologically militarist and more devoutly corporatist in its presentiments than was soviet-style socialism, supplies us with a more accurate portraiture of the ways and wiles of “our” government as it persists today.

        For while the Federal apparatus can and does compel us to underwrite the lifestyles of our supra-national uberklasse — Obamacare provides us with a salient example — it cannot yet compel our total fealty to corporations; that is to say we can still patronize small businesses to some extent.

        Bottom line: I am convinced that the Pentagon poses a far greater threat to the liberty and dignity of everyday Americans than does corporatism, as it was militarism and militarists that plotted our entry into World War II, that murdered the Kennedys and King, that bequeathed to us Iran-Contra, that perpetrated 911, and that will, soon enough, trigger a second American Civil War.

        Thanks again for the opportunity to express my views.

        Cheers, JQP

      2. Fascism is specifically Italian (Mussolini). It was later applied to National Socialism by the Allies. National Socialism and Fascism are two different animals.

    2. Fascism is nothing more than another flavor in the socialist ice cream store. Mussolini’s Fascist party grew out of the Italian Socialist party and the National German Socialist Workers Party or NDSAP in its German acronym says it all! Fascism,socialism,communism they are all inventions of the bankers and they are all tyrannical. Quit splittin hairs and get ready to kick ass cause they sure are kickin ours!

      1. Hello Frank,

        “Fascism is nothing more than another flavor in the socialist ice cream store.”

        Make that “collectivist” ice cream store and you have my vote!

        Cheers, JQP

  3. Corporate socialism is fascism. State socialism would be more in line with bolshevism etc. This misunderstanding is intentional. When the average person who does not study these subjects notices the word socialism……boom, this lightbulb in their head thinks communism as in russia etc. National socialism is communism for the wealthy(corporations) as opposed to bolshevism(communism for the state). Neither is good for the common working man. All one needs to do is read “the doctrine of fascism” by mussollini and the works of karl marx to understand the difference between the two. Marxism is in reality bolshevism which is jewish supremacy. That is the dirty little secret of marxism. Anarchism(which is a form of communism is true communism) which eliminates the state and the corporations which ultimately solves both of these ism’s. Do not be mislead any longer.

    1. No, communism is soviet socialism. The word soviet means committee in Russian, so it is committee socialism and just as diabolical as the rest of the isms.

  4. @ jqp

    Money is at the root of all evil, this is the first time in human history that the issue of money in fiat paper unbacked by anything is totally in private hands and in nowhere in the world is it backed by gold and silver. Ghadaffi tried for his people and was murdered like a dog. Hitlary laughed we came, we saw and he died.

    Put yourself in the shoes of the entitled, you control all issue of all money, you profit from its usury, you can buy all the prostitute politicians you want to pass all the laws you want and you control the courts, you control the education system, the health system, the agriculture through Monsanto and the media. War is used to prevent any other from challenging your power or to destabilize any country that could counter Israel.

    John F. Kennedy introduced silver certificates issued by the US treasury as an alternate currency to the private FEDeral REServe, he was killed and the silver certificates immediately were withdrawn. A coincidence, I think not as it would have ended the power of the entitled ones. JFK before his murder spoke of secret societies and the evil of not having open government, he obviously was concerned. Obama promised open government, guess the entitled ones in secret said no. Politicians are prostitutes pure and simple and sell out to the highest bidder, the game is rigged by the entitled for the chosen ones and is referred by them as doing God’s work. God’s work does not include you or me, that is something the SCOTUS proved yesterday.

    It is not the military, they simply follow orders, that is their job. The evil is much more pervasive.

    Ron Paul has it down to a T, end the FED, end the IRS, end their LAWS and end their WARS. I refer to it as USURY, LAWS and WARS the means by which the entitled steal our wealth, take our liberty and kill whomever they want.

    I read your thesis, however in my opinion the threat is greater than you possibly think.

    1. It’s the love of money that is at the root of all evil. The job of the military is to preserve,protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic not to follow orders and in that the U.S. military has failed miserably and treasonously!

    2. Hello David,

      “Money is at the root of all evil…”

      Currency is merely a medium of exchange, and it is not money, per se, but humankind’s misguided devotion thereto, that seeds and breeds evil; that distinction is not one of degree.

      “…this is the first time in human history that the issue of money in fiat paper unbacked by anything…”

      Fiat currency is anything but a recent innovation, as the wheelbarrows of Weimar should surely serve to remind us, but you are absolutely correct as regards their toxicity. Fiat currencies enjoy but brief half-lives!

      “Ghadaffi tried for his people and was murdered like a dog.”

      You’re right on the money:) here too! The everyday Libyan-on-the-street was far more secure under Gaddafi that are we American Mundanes in the Age of Dirty Barry. But the murder of Muammar was accomplished beneath the Pentagon’s penumbra — How many divisions has Mr. Bernacke?

      “…you can buy all the prostitute politicians you want to pass all the laws you want and you control the courts, you control the education system, the health system, the agriculture through Monsanto and the media…”

      But it is the military — i.e., the threat of brute force — that underwrites and indemnifies the “Rule of Law” which, in turn, assures the primacy of the institutions above cited. When push comes to shove — figuratively and literally — Monsanto needs the Pentagon far more than the Pentagon needs Monsanto!

      For what is the law but an eloquent bayonet?

      “John F. Kennedy introduced silver certificates issued by the US treasury as an alternate currency to the private FEDeral REServe, he was killed and the silver certificates immediately were withdrawn.”

      That is true, but JFK’s action vis-a-vis the printing of Silver Certificates was undertaken mere weeks prior to his demise, and it is erroneous to assume (or to assert) a causal affiliation between the two events. The murders of John and Robert Kennedy, and of Martin Luther King, were orchestrated by the Lords of E-Ring and not by the Gnomes of Zurich, as even a cursory examination of the available evidence compels us to conclude.

      “Obama promised open government, guess the entitled ones in secret said no.”

      Obama’s promises were — from Day One — as empty as his puerile “eloquence,” mere babble for the rabble. Obama was and is a tool, a member in good standing of the CFR, as every president after Jack Kennedy has been. At what juncture was this not obvious?

      “It is not the military, they simply follow orders, that is their job.”

      Not true!!! The military has been exempt from real civilian oversight for 70 years — in Washington to oversee is to overlook! When was the last time one of E-Rings beribboned thugs was remanded to trial for his crimes? For Agent Orange, say, or for the slow-motion holocaust that is Depleted Uranium? All empires, without exception, devolve into military despotisms presiding over sandcastle “service” economies — the brute force drama bringing blunt force trauma….

      “Ron Paul has it down to a T, end the FED, end the IRS, end their LAWS and end their WARS. I refer to it as USURY, LAWS and WARS the means by which the entitled steal our wealth, take our liberty and kill whomever they want.”

      You’re absolutely right — I am a Paultard to the tits!!! But let’s do be honest — were Ron Paul to win the election, a parabellum would inaugurate his cerebellum well prior to his taking the oath of office, as the good Doctor embodies a far greater threat the the Warlords than did President Kennedy or Dr. King!

      In the spirit of free thought, JQP

  5. Money is neutral, it can be backed by gold or it can be bits of unbacked paper.

    It matters not if people love money, as rightly appreciated it is a medium of exchange and as such it is neutral. Each and every transaction apart from the exceptional instances of barter involves the use of money. It is used to pay for goods, services, education, healthcare, warfare etc nothing happens without it.

    If one private power has the sole monopoly to print and produce all money they effectively influence each and every transaction that I listed above and they also charge usury or respectably called interest or a charge for the money they have created.

    Shakespeare refers to Shylock and to giving them their due.

    This one power is greater than all other powers for with this power the entitled ones determine wealth distribution, quality of life and inflict death even of presidents or a Ghadaffi that would take this power away from them.

    Money is at the root of all evil, who controls the issue of money controls the world. These are bad bad love childs.

    Ron Paul is the anthitesis, he provides the antidote and is hugely at risk as indeed all of us are that point out the workings of the entitled ones and their depravity. However what must be said must be said.

    The military are extremely powerful and I have no doubt relish their power, but without finance they are redundant. Like bankers, lawyers and politicians the military produce nothing, take away their finance and they are neutered.

    Wealth is derived from production, the producers are happy to pay for services by exchanging goods. The entitled ones are the money changers and our problem is that they now control the issue of the one means of exchange and they hold the world to ransom.

    Only once did Christ get really angry and for great reason, he threw the money changers out of the temple and somehow they re grouped. It is up to us to ensure the revolution and have a sound impartial financial system that does not belong to entitled private interests who promote evil everywhere they touch.

    The problem is much greater than we care to admit to ourselves.

  6. Hello David,

    “Money is neutral, it can be backed by gold or it can be bits of unbacked paper.”

    I am unsure as to what you mean by “neutral,” but I am certain that money must be backed by something that is tangible, and thereby fungible — that something can be ingots of gold, slabs of beef, barrels of petroleum, or hogsheads of cologne; it matters not. But the minute our currency is decoupled from real goods, the kind you can put your hands on, we’ll be swapping our wallets for wheelbarrows.

    “Like bankers, lawyers and politicians the military produce nothing, take away their finance and they are neutered.”

    You are right by the penny, but wrong by the pound. There are numerous confirmed instances wherein the Pentagon, or its prehensile appendage the CIA, has secured engraving plates from the Treasury Department and, in essence, counterfeited greenbacks in order to foment mayhem and murder here and there. (Do you suppose that our Generals would lend a B-2 or an F-16 to the good folks over at Treasury?) I might further note that the government’s inventory of gold is under the custody, not of J.P. Morgan-Chase or the Federal Reserve, but of the Pentagon, and that rumors have persisted for some years that the Department of Death has been “back door” selling off “our” gold reserves in order to fund covert endeavors such as underground bases and/or secret space projects. Why do you think Dr. Paul has sought to audit the inventory at Fort Knox? And were information to emerge that served to substantiate such “dirty rumors,” the military’s considered rejoinder would doubtless be — “What of it?”

    And were the public at that instance to physically confront the Pentagon, the Generals would simply declare Martial Law and confiscate the paper and presses. Have we forgotten Hank Paulson’s ultimatum issued to our Rubber-stamp Reichstag not so long ago? This sort of thing has happened routinely over the course of human history, and it says much about the cluelessness of a people culled, gulled, dulled and nulled by flag-monkey patriotics, that Americans refuse even to consider the possibility of such an occurrence here in the Homeland, we being the Exceptional and Indispensable Nation that we are!

    Hubris is a dangerous thing, no?

    Bottom line? — No banker ever robbed a gunman!

    Cheers, JQP

  7. Funny how people who seem so educated about what is going on will applaud a Freemasonic document (US Constitution) and Freemasonic system (democratically elected constitutional republic). You can’t escape the treadmill by supporting the treadmill.

    Read _Freemasonry & Judaism: The Secret Powers Behind Revolution (Martinson Edition)_ by Vicomte Leon de Poncins. Why not monarchy? Because we were sold the idea that monarchy is a bad idea by Judeo-Freemasonic revolutionaries.

    Look at the top of the French “Declaration of the Rights of Man” and you will see the All-Seeing Eye of the Bavarian Illuminati. While they weren’t so obvious with the US Constitution (instead putting their symbolism everywhere else) the document serves the same purpose.

    Have fun supporting the very system that keeps you divided and enslaved.

    1. Had you read more of the site you would know that we are quite aware that our Constitution is pretty much a carbon copy of the Masonic Constitution. The fact is, both are serving the freedoms and liberties of the Masons quite well.
      It is our contention that all that needs to be done is to redefine in our Constitution “we the people”. Right now, as you pointed out, that statement covers only masons right now and as they have sworn a higher oath to the Masonic constitution, they have made themselves elite within ours. I believe it is Article VI of the Articles of the Confederation, which were also written from the Masonic document, that defines all persons not possessing of property to be without rights. This is how our rights were taken by taking away our right to own property.
      I know you are educated so you know that under the Laws of Patent and Corporate Soul and Title 50 USC, and in consideration of the bankruptcy of 1933, we the non-Mason people are denied our right to own property. There can be no free men without free land to stand upon.

      1. You misunderstand the problem with the Constitution. It is not simply that it was created by Freemasons, but that it has convinced people of the importance of having legal guarantees (i.e., “rights”) in writing.

        We know that there are no guarantees in life, so how is it that an intelligent person can believe in such a thing as a “right”?

        In absolute monarchy there are no guarantees. Every citizen knows that the monarch can take away his legal privileges with the wave of his hand. This grounds every citizen firmly in the reality that it is the willingness of the citizen to risk his life and use violence against the throne that is the true ensurer of his privileges.

        Citizens under a Constitution are in a state of hypnosis, believing that a piece of paper with symbols (words) on it will guarantee them something. No matter how you arrange the symbols (i.e., write the words) it is only hocus pocus, no different than the fiction of some wizard drawing a magic rune on parchment and claiming it will protect you from thieves and brigands. A criminal intent on criminal action will never be stopped by symbols written on a piece of paper, so how can you possibly believe that rearranging, subtracting or adding symbols (words) to the Constitution will guarantee you anything?

        1. As I said before, you’ve read a couple of articles on this site and decided to judge us. We are 40 million strong, heavily armed, and we know no government grants our rights, that they are in fact contained within and limited to our willingness to enforce them.
          You call us stupid one more time and you will be off this site.

  8. “There is no doubt that we are going to have to destroy foreign armies from without, and this we will do. But when it comes to the traitors from within, we must levy upon them such a vicious and brutal punishment as to deter any future notions of insurgency within the United States for at least a hundred years.”

    I like the second sentence more. Very powerful statement, well said and well needed. Kick them so hard that the powers that be feel it, stop in their tracks, turn around and go home and if they don’t and want to fight to the death, well future powers that be will know that they will suffer the same fate as the current ones. It’s the only sure way to defeat a bully.

  9. There are two types of money, hard money ie gold and silver backed known as commodity backed and soft money which is unbacked and is known as fiat.

    The promise to pay by the federal reserve is to pay other pieces of fiat paper ie $50 bill can be paid as $20 x 2 + $5 x 2. There is no other commitment. The Federal Reserve is a private banking institution that charges the US Government for the money it produces.

    The army has no authority to print money and relies on the Government to pay its bills and the Government relies on the Federal Reserve.

    Fiat is also leveraged by the banking entitled ones and they now have exotic financial instruments like credit default swaps and the game of financial rape is like a house of babel stretching into the heavens and growing exponentially each minute all built with cards. There is no foundation and because there is not the wealth available to meet the debts owed a devastating monetary collapse is inevitable.

    It is interesting that many times in history nations switch from hard currency to soft currency and back to hard currency.

    Ron Paul is on top of his game when it comes to ending the criminal Federal Reserve and introducing money that cannot be printed into existence. His experience will be invaluable to reset from unbacked fiat to gold and silver and to prevent the entitled from regaining control of the issue of money.

  10. Don’t anyone dare take this as a racist remark, because in no way is it intended as such, but the only real difference i can see between Romney and Obama is the color of their skin.

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